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Messages - deadlyreg

Quote from: thinkpad on June 28, 2017, 10:57:54 PM
Is that possible?  Re-uploading A16 version?

Not a bother, I'll add it later tonight. Just a few lines of code to change.
Quote from: zarathustra_bezbozhnik on June 17, 2017, 02:01:05 PM
Thanks a lot, deadlyreg!

We don't need no solar power,
Give us car bon dio xide!
..and some rads on top, maybe))

Just wait for step 2, where the chemfuel generators produce fumes while operating. Release TBA
My little mod is now up and running for A17! Find it in the description above as I'm sure everyone is excited to have it.
Quote from: Canute on June 15, 2017, 08:51:50 AM
I don't care if you made them 1500,2500,3000 or 30000.
I just want say The chemfuel and the woodfuel should have the same generator. That means ingame, when you research/unlock that the woodfuel should have the same poweroutput.
Ok since this mod don't got a research, you just should inject that the fueled generator got the same poweroutput then chemfueled one.

The reason the output is higher is based on the return from working; with food and clothing the value multiplier for working is around 1.5, which is to say you get 150% of what you put in with some gating of skill (e.g. 0.8 nutrition of raw food becomes 1.2 for a fine meal) so a boost in yield seemed appropriate.

The duration was a function of the duration of burning wood with a multiplier based on the amount of work to convert wood into chemfuel. I don't have my working to hand but it was around 60 units of work I think? I used the return from the brewing table as a base to work that out.

If it simply had the return of a wood generator it wouldn't have a place, as it is it's a little more effort to run for a larger return in efficiency.
Yeah, I'll dig out my working when I get home.
Whoops! I missed that you'd adjusted the power output on the generator; my design intention was to match the work/output of processing the wood in a similar way to other materials and 50% more power was in line with that. The major benefit of the generator is to condense the fuel and reduce refuelling by using Chemfuel, rather than upping output quite so much.

I'll make my own adjustments this weekend but the output should only be 1500W to be more in line with vanilla.
Quote from: Ashardalon411 on June 12, 2017, 09:02:56 AM
Hello all ! The modder does'nt have a look on his post after 2 months, so i have make an UNOFFICIAL update of the mod to the A17 !
My update change nothing else excepted the power output who change a little 1500=>2500 W

Deadlyreg, if you want that i delete the version that i purpose here, pls take contact with me !

Enjoy the Chemfuel ! ^^

I yet live! I haven't been around for a while as I've been working on newer, better C# involving mods that have now got to be updated for Alpha 17, and I just got notification that people cared enough about this old mod to want to use it. Ashardalon411's update is hereby dubbed official until I get a chance this weekend to potentially tweak and update it!
Quote from: masterpain on March 10, 2017, 05:35:22 PM
Is there a way to make it so that Boomalopes and Boomrats don't explode?  Doesn't matter to me if it would disable explosion in the wild also.

If you want a hacky way to do it you can just remove the code from the xml files. If you go into Rimworl/Mods/Core/Defs, and open Races_Animal_Tropical and Races_Animal_Rodentlike and remove the <deathActionWorkerClass></deathActionWorkerClass> from the Boomrat and Boomelope it'll stop them exploding after death.
Outdated / Re: [A16] RimMeth - My First Rimworld Mod
March 05, 2017, 09:12:33 AM
Speaking as a man knee deep in the pharmaceutical industry I would much prefer fantastic drugs to real world drugs. We are in space after all, we need more than just cocaine we need space cocaine. Plus it lets you stretch those speculative muscles. Looking forward to more from this!
Found it! Perfect, thank you kindly. Now to see if I can frankenstein it into something else.
I'm looking to have an object that produces a similar effect to the toxic fallout event in a radius around it, ideally only while roofed. I think I have the code for the roofing, and for producing an area effect, but I'm not sure where to find the Rimworld code for the toxic buildup. Can anyone lend a hand?
Diesel Generators

Power your colony with more efficient fuel!

Chemfuel is a wonderful resource but it only gets used to fire space age pods around the map. Surely some bright spark in your colony can build an internal combustion engine? I mean they crack solar power pretty quick so why not something dirtier? Diesel Generators has you covered! Hook one up and burn through that refined wood.

Type Buildings – Power
Size 2 ˣ 2
HP 400
Power + 1500W
Buy Steel 175  Component 3
Tech required: Electricity

I did some maths on the return you get from work required using clothes and food as a basis. In numbers terms you get about 4 times the duration of burn for the equivalence of wood:chemfuel loaded and you get 50% more power, though the generator is a little more expensive. It faces stiff competition though at that tech grade though.


Get it from Steam here or in the attachment below

How to install:
- Unzip the contents and place them in your RimWorld/Mods folder.
- Activate the mod in the mod menu in the game.
- Same as it ever was

Potential world drowning issues
Should be conflict free, but if there's any issues let me know! Feedback appreciated too, it's my first Rimworld mod but it's super basic so it should be fine?

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