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Messages - Hcmac1996

General Discussion / Re: Numerous Bug fixes
April 28, 2018, 10:15:09 PM
Quote from: Canute on April 28, 2018, 03:33:14 AM
didn't you found an even older and wronger topic you could revive.
Why you didn't just create a new thread under mod or mod_bugs ?

The biggest bug are you didn't clean you glasses or didn't read all from the mods.
- you installed Misc. Robots:, but not Misc. core
- Many XML errors about RefrigeratedStorage, they come from As Simple As Rack but you forget "Rimfridge mod is mandatory and should be set to be launched BEFORE this mod in modlist"

The Def-linked translation error come from Rimsenal, but can be ignored.

Thanks man. I'm kinda new to this so I don't know how to do things properly. Thanks again!
General Discussion / Re: Numerous Bug fixes
April 28, 2018, 01:14:17 AM

can someone help me with this?
Will your T-extended crops clash with the vegetable garden mod? If so could you tell me? I can't check if the mods are working yet since its waaaaaay past my bedtime, tee hee, not that it matters. I will check it tomorrow then I'll tell you guys if there's any problems. Thanks for your hard work and keep it up. You don't how great this mods of yours help a lot of people. ;D
General Discussion / Re: Introduce yourself!
April 21, 2017, 11:11:03 PM
Hello I'm Hcmac1996, my username's made up of my name initials and the first three letters of my family name and my birthyear, that's if your wondering. I'm a casual gamer from Philippines, and just started playing rimworld with mods.

-What introduced you to Rimworld?
My bestfriend introduced this game to me cause he knows how I liked survival and construction games.

-What's your favourite other game?
I also like RTS games like starcraft 2 and the Command and Conquer series. FPS aren't bad as well.

-What's your most embarrassing gaming-related story?
I was playing with my friends red alert 2. As we are preparing for an attack, I neglected defending my base and ended up with most of my building besides the barracks being captured and sold by the enemy. So I had to support my allies with nothing but a battalion of G.I.. My friends laughed at me the whole time.

-What kind of breakfast cereal is the best?
Cereals are for the weak, real men eat meat for breakfast! Har har har ;D

-Lastly, why is it that I'm a Muffalo? Not that I don't like it but how did the system decide that?

Anyway, I'm new here so I hope you can take care of me and that we'd all be friends here  ;D

BTW, where do I go ask about my mod arrangement? I'm having trouble fixing my mods. Thanks!
I download this cause I saw pizza.  ;D
Quote from: Fluffy (l2032) on April 14, 2017, 03:24:54 AM
No worries, I'm just old and grumpy.

Many of my mods (and many, many others) require HugsLib. You should get that, and load it right after core.

Also, well done on posting the actual error, that's a good start for a bug report - and something too few people do ;).

Its working great now thanks. Although I can't say your old, I estimated your age to be between 21-30...

Also, once again I thank you for this great mods.
Outdated / Re: [A13] Xeva's Hair (07.05.16)
April 13, 2017, 03:00:18 PM
Quote from: Orion on May 07, 2016, 05:47:45 AM
Xeva has made several very nice hair styles. I have put them into a mod so everyone can easily use them.

This mod can be added at any time.


Latest version on Steam

How do you change the about alpha version? I don't know how.
Quote from: Fluffy (l2032) on April 10, 2017, 04:10:48 AM
QuoteWhat shall I do?

  • Don't quote my entire front page.
  • Get and install HugsLib.

Sorry I'm new to this... I don't know how to do things properly...  :-[
Quote from: Fluffy (l2032) on September 14, 2015, 06:16:45 AM
Fluffy's Mods
Animal Tabv0.16.1.6Enhanced animals tab for RimWorld
Area Unlockerv0.16.1.1Remove the arbitrary limit on allowed areas
The Birds & the Beesv0.16.0.6Adds a range of fertility related interactions to RimWorld
Blueprintsv0.16.1.9Place whole rooms at once
Colony Managerv0.16.1.8Colony manager for RimWorld
Fluffy Breakdownsv0.16.1.9Replaces the completely random breakdowns with an actual game mechanic
Zoom to Mouse0.14.1.0Zooming in keeps the mouse cursor in the same location on the map
Follow Me!v0.16.0.2Gives the camera tracking capabilities
Animal Incest0.14.1.0Removes incest check from animal procreation
Medical Tabv0.16.1.2Medical overview tab
Relations Tabv0.16.1.5Very pretty colony and faction relation overview
Architect Sensev0.16.1.4[MOD TOOL] Allows modders to create architect subcategories
Stack Mergerv0.16.0.9Tidy up your stockpiles
Stuffed Floorsv0.16.0.8Make floors out of stuff, just like things
Work Tabv0.16.2.4A better Work Tab for RimWorld

: Download latest version
: Steam Workshop page
: All versions
: Mod spotlight
: Bugs & Suggestions

ReflectionTypeLoadException getting types in assembly Fluffy_Tabs: System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool)
  at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Verse.ModAssemblyHandler.AssemblyIsUsable (System.Reflection.Assembly asm) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Loader exceptions:
   => System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'HugsLib.ModBase' from assembly 'HugsLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
   => System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'HugsLib.Utils.UtilityWorldObject' from assembly 'HugsLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
   => System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'HugsLib.Utils.UtilityWorldObject' from assembly 'HugsLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
   => System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type '<>c' from assembly 'Fluffy_Tabs, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.


What shall I do?