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Messages - Ekarus

Thank you for your effort, guess I'll have to use the SocialImpact then. Oh well.
Help / Making a bionic nerf or buff a pawn's "beauty"
January 04, 2018, 11:33:13 PM
Is it possible? If so how? I'm talking about the invisible modifier that effects a colonist's chance for romance and such, not the "Social Chat Impact" by the way.
Help / Way to increase a part's max health?
December 28, 2017, 09:16:05 AM
So what I'm basically looking to do is make a bionic limb with higher hitpoints than the base part's health. I don't know what to use, I've tried Part_Health, and MaxHitPoints but neither seem to not produce errors or work. I can't particularly code or else I'd look into handling it that way so I'm looking for an XML solution.

Any ideas?

Oh good god wrong board I'm so sorry
Outdated / Re: [B18] Expanded Anatomy Framework
December 28, 2017, 07:00:37 AM
Updated the mod to include some organ replacements and a uh... Solution for a possible incident that could occur to a pawn.
Bionic genitalia. Went there. Now I feel worse. It's just a morale boost don't get all weird on me.
Mods / Re: Troubleshooting A Problem off a modlist
December 21, 2017, 10:03:46 PM
...I have discovered my error and would love to make this topic go away before anyone else notices my stupidity.

EPOP and Less Arbitrary Surgery don't play nice together. ...I'm gonna take a shot in the dark and say nothing else surgery related either...
Mods / Troubleshooting A Problem off a modlist
December 21, 2017, 09:42:22 PM
So I've encountered a problem that's driving me insane.

Every single surgical procedure in my game so far has been successful, but also /ALWAYS/ results in an infection and damage to the pawn.

Now a note, here's my hospital where the work is being done and I (think) I've eliminated the hospital as the problem.

We've got hospital beds, it's heated to 70 F, Vitals Monitors, the lights are lighting the beds to "Brightly Lit", the room is sterile. My surgeon and her patient are both "Squeaky Clean" (I'm using Dubs Bad Hygiene.)

Onto the modlist. (And order)

VGP More Veggies
VGP Garden Fabrics
VGP Garden Gourmet
VGP Garden Drinks
VGP Vegetable Garden
VGP Soylent Production
No Debris B18
[KV] Trading Spot - B18
More Furniture [B18]
Expanded Roofing
Variety Hair
Various Space Ship Chunk [A18]
High Tech Laboratory Facilities
Industrial Rollers
Roppoi hair B18
Fences And Floors
B18 - Retro Joy
Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering
Invisible Conduits
GeneticRim b18
EdB Prepare Carefully
[FSF] Efficient Utilities
[RF] Configurable Maps [b18]
Dubs Bad Hygiene - BETA
Medical Training
Don't Tempt Me!
Deep Ore Identifier
VGP Garden Tools
Death Rattle
Additional Joy Objects
Less Arbitrary Surgery
[RF] Editable Backstories [b18]
Expanded Incidents
MiningCo. Spaceship
While You're Up
Visible Pants
Reasonable Components
Turret Collection
Hand Me That Brick
Realistic Rooms
Runtime GC
[FSF] Improved Vanometric Power Cells
[FSF] Craft Drugs at Drug Labs
[KV] RimFridge - B18
Prisoner Ransom
Tick MultiThread
Don't Shave Your Head A18
Stack Merger
[B18] Reinstallable Drill

SO. With all that in mind, any clue at all what's causing this? I've checked the mods I thought could be causing it (EPOE, Genetic Engineering, Even Dubs Hygiene)
Quote from: Rikiki on December 21, 2017, 05:56:48 PM
@Ekarus: either start a new colony to avoid this or use Orion's Faction discovery mod. :)

I had started a new colony, this wasn't an install on an ongoing game.

Out of curiosity, what causes it? Because I seem to be able to "avoid it" by not looking at the landing pad while the ship is landing.
Quote from: SpaceDorf on December 21, 2017, 09:43:14 AM
I had this as well, if you "dev mode" - kill the ship the fog goes away again ..

...I am unfortunately using "don't tempt me" so that's not an option XD

Edit: If you remove the following from your save. it /seems/ to fix it. Temporarily at least.

<thing Class="Spaceship.FlyingSpaceshipLanding">
  <pos>(344, 0, 249)</pos>
  <spaceshipExactPosition>(344.0, 15.8, -989.3)</spaceshipExactPosition>
  <spaceshipScale>(-897.4, -81.6, -1631.7)</spaceshipScale>
  <landingPadPosition>(344, 0, 249)</landingPadPosition>

Nothing's gone sour yet anyway.
I get the distinct feeling this isn't normal

There's a ship under that fog. I have no earthy idea what's causing this but for what it's worth the ship seemed to 'land' and then just kinda... keep getting smaller. Then the fog came and consumed my entire colony.

The fog does not go away after the ship is gone, nor does it go away after loading a save.
Help / Custom Added-Part based thought not working
December 16, 2017, 05:02:03 PM
So I'm trying to give a pawn a thought if it's got a certain bionic, similar in functionality (I would think) to how the joywire works.

I've created the entry in the item definition, the hediff definition, the surgery definition, and the thought definition. Those entries are correctly implemented to the best of my knowledge (no spelling errors, unclosed tags, etc)

Am I missing something? Because even when I pawn has the part and meets the conditions to get the thought it doesn't show up on the list.

Attached below are the various definitions mentioned above. On the off chance I missed something.

        <label>to be filled</label>
        <description>to be filled</description>

  <HediffDef ParentName="EAFAddedBodyPartBase">
    <label>to be filled</label>
    <labelNoun>to be filled</labelNoun>

  <RecipeDef ParentName="EAFSurgeryFlesh">
<label>to be filled</label>
<description>to be filled</description>
<jobString>to be filled</jobString>

  <ThingDef ParentName="EAFBodyPartArtificialBase">
    <label>To be filled</label>
    <description>To be filled</description>
Wonder if it'd be possible to get this working with Dubb's Bad Hygiene, it'd be nice to run this off my colony's sewer system... In regards to "Balance" anyway, it's an absolutely wonderful thing in of itself.

It did however remind me the song "My Washing Machine" exists. Weirdest damn song I've ever heard.
and I listen to nightcore.
Outdated / Re: [B18] Expanded Anatomy Framework
December 15, 2017, 07:03:03 AM
Quote from: Katnjia on December 15, 2017, 05:46:12 AM
You should put the code up on github.

This is all XML, literally everything there is to this mod is in the download... ...And frankly it's not much.
Outdated / Re: [B18] Expanded Anatomy Framework
December 14, 2017, 10:35:17 PM
Quote from: Zalpha on December 14, 2017, 09:56:31 PM
Good on you for doing something for the community, I hope your project is well received and takes off the ground.

Community framework like this are great, like HugsLib (and Harmony).

I just wish I'd done more with it. What I've posted here is about as "bare minimum" as it gets. I had originally intended to make it so lacking certain "parts" would make the "Lovin" activity impossible, a pain multiplier for certain parts... Not to mention I'm certain it still needs a lot of balance work. It feels wrong to compare it to HugsLib and Harmony because there's no actual code work involved here, just XML stuff.
Outdated / Re: [B18] Expanded Anatomy Framework
December 14, 2017, 07:31:04 PM
Quote from: Zalpha on December 14, 2017, 06:21:15 PM
Is this for mod users or mod creators?

I am currently using...
RBSE - Lite Edition 1.8
SF [B18] Priority Treatment

Would this mod make them all work better together or would it only be useful to these mod creators?

Currently it's primarily for creators. There aren't any real features for just users currently, I'm trying to develop a mod as we speak that'll use this framework. I published this early in the (extremely unlikely) chance somebody was waiting for something like this for whatever reason.
Outdated / Re: [B18] Expanded Anatomy Framework
December 14, 2017, 05:29:22 PM
Quote from: frenchiveruti on December 14, 2017, 05:25:48 PM
So... No bionic dicks for my Pawns?  ;D

I mean... I'm not gonna make that mod... ...wouldn't know where I could upload it...