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Messages - jdemiers17

Ideas / Guard command
September 12, 2023, 12:13:36 AM
it would be convenient and kinda cool if you could make pawns guard other pawns. maybe there would be a work order to "guard" and you can assign how many guards a pawn can have. its risky to send out miners and hunters and gatherers, it'd be nice to have some protection.
General Discussion / DLC Idea- Ownership
April 15, 2023, 02:14:45 AM
Here is an idea i have for a dlc. giving the pawns individual ownership. this would add a few things. stuff on the map they can consider that they own it. for whatever reason, maybe they mined it or they crafted it, for whatever reason the pawns develop ownership over items in the game. then Also pawns can have Credits associated with them, each pawn has a currency tied to them. and when pawns transfer ownership of their items then their credit amount changes. this could ad and remove mood buffs based on how much credits they have. and also this dlc could add manageable inventory's for the pawn just as a quality of life change. just a dlc idea i had that I think would add interesting game mechanics.
Ideas / UI Add on; worktab in pawn Bio
December 31, 2022, 08:54:45 PM
I think it would be nice if there were work priority check boxes to the right of the skills in the bio page. there looks like there's enough space and it would be convenient to look at the pawn, see its skills, passions and traits and be able to raise or lower its work priority's on the same page. just a quality of life suggestion. there's probably already a mod for it.
Ideas / Add Precision damage to weapons.
November 29, 2021, 11:56:24 PM
It would be cool to add another stat to weapons in Rimworld. A precision damage stat with weapons could add another layer of strategy to the combat. for example the revolver might have low damage, range and armor penetration but it has a high precision stat which makes the weapon have a higher chance ignore enemies armor or to hit critical parts of the enemy body.
Ideas / Chance to hit increases on consecutive shots.
August 28, 2020, 09:43:10 PM
Something like a %2 increased chance to hit when aiming at a non moving target, up to like %10 maximum. this makes sense to me because if your shooting at something you would be adjusting your aim on the fly having a stat like this would reflect that.

if instead of quiting your rimworld game, you could have the option of restarting in the same world, maybe at any givin time that you choose. and your past playthrough would continue as it did until the point that you land on its tile and interact with it, then its acts just AI. I think it would be interesting experience.   

I feel like this is inspired by one of the creators of dwarf fortress talking about his game and the two modes it has. I've never played dwarf fortress but im sure thats where the inspiration for this idea comes from.
Ideas / Change Slaves to Pawns
June 12, 2020, 01:16:38 AM
I know rimworld can be a dark game if you play it that way. but your colonist pawns are like little slaves i guess if you think of it that way but really they are just how the game is played. if you changed slave traders to pawn traders then you wouldnt think about the morale aspect of it as much as just adding a colonist to your rimworld colony. Or instead just make it so you can free the slaves if you attack and defeat the trader caravan that visited you.
Rimworld jedis!
Ideas / Multiplayer RTS/MMORG
May 21, 2020, 10:04:51 PM
I know there's already a Rimworld multiplayer mod and no I haven't tried it yet.  But I'm just describing a multiplayer version of Rimworld that I can imagine could work.

The world seed would be the server, when a player joins the world they start on a world tile like a normal game of Rimworld. so players can be playing on the same world server and not be interacting with each other but they can also caravan to each other and attack or just visit each other. And when two people are on the same map then the only difference to normal is when you pause you have to wait for the other player to unpause. And when you logout and save your game your tile gets reserved and no can interact with it, unless you are online. You can avoid players just logging out to avoid conflict just by making other players caravans invisible on the world map.

ok just thought i'd share my thoughts on what a Rimworld multiplayer game could be like hopefully was understandable.

if your carnivorous pets had an option to allow them to hunt colony animals or if they did it automatically unless you trained them out of it then theres an opportunity to create self sustaining ecosystem and I think that would be pretty entertaining.
Ideas / Make Spelopede's spit acid
April 26, 2020, 11:00:02 PM
It would add another layer to the insects if the Spelopede had a ranged attack, if it spit out acid.
Stories / Rpg style playthrough
May 13, 2019, 02:39:01 AM
I just wanted to share a way I've been playing that's pretty fun. I turn my colonist into dnd rpg style characters.

I name my pawns cleric, wizard, dwarf, guard, ranger, druid, bard.. etc
I'll just go over how I choose some of them. its a fun way to play and makes it easy to know who can do what at a glance. do you want risk your wizard or your cleric in this fight for example.

ranger=high in hunting
guard=first line of defense combat
bard=art, or social

and i make variants as I go. if its high research pawn/high shooting/pyromaniac I might make them a pyromage.

if their high research/high medic/psychopath I might make them a necromancer

Canibal/astetic/nightowl =  a vampire

High combat/medic might be a paladin

tough/brawler might be a barbarian
tough/masochist might be a tank etc

Just sharing it as a fun way to play.
Ideas / Re: Perk Suggestion; Logger
December 09, 2017, 04:34:50 PM
Oh oops, yeah Trait: logger
Ideas / Perk Suggestion; Logger
December 09, 2017, 01:36:52 AM
If a colonist has a "logger" perk then they have maybe have a bonus to joy when they are cutting plants, aand they build their "melee" stat while they are cutting plants!  That way you can build up a melee fighter without being in fights.
Ideas / Hunger Malnutrition
October 08, 2017, 03:52:09 PM
Instead of the pawn just getting ill and possibly dying of malnutrition, it would be easier to manage if first they went into a mental break and automatically harvested any edible plants on the map and/or attacked any animals on the map to eat their corpses.
So many times i've messed up a playthrough just because i'm playing on 3 speed and all of a sudden a few of my colonist are on the brink of death because of malnutrition and i dont have enough time to harvest some plants to feed them before they die. it make more sense and it would be more convenient if they went into the mental break first.