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Messages - Anni

Did we lose the 64-bit version? I am starting to get crashes again and I no longer have the option when I press play to choose 64 or 32
I'm posting this only in the hopes it helps, I know you might not update the 1.0 version until the official release.
But it seems, for whatever reason, when this mod is active I cannot create stone blocks from chunks.
Releases / Re: [B18] JecsTools [5/2/2018]
July 24, 2018, 04:16:46 PM
Quote from: Canute on June 23, 2018, 12:02:23 PM
ETA: 4 days ago
Check the Github page.

not working for me. The version on github gives me nothing but errors
Simple Plastic seems to need an update. It stopped working for me today. Last time I used it was version 1.0.1946.
Quote from: CraigDeVonne on June 21, 2018, 02:09:42 PM
For QualityBuilder the version at the top (the header) says B18, is that a mistake? Did you mean for it to say 1.0?

Yes. When you load it in the mods list it comes up at 1.0
Quote from: Kiame on June 22, 2018, 01:31:09 AM
Update for 1.0:

Use ModSync RW to know if/when there's an update

Every version you released since about 3 days ago does not work for me. It seems to either have an error or just conflict with most other mods I am using.
Quote from: Grillbye on June 24, 2018, 05:33:20 AM
I don't know how y'all can pass to 1.0 directly... Tynan has stated it as unstable and plus, most of the greatest mods are still on B18.. Like this one !

Because 1.0 offers 64-bit. Using 32 for so long has been a pain, even though not all mods are 1.0 yet there are enough to play without worrying about CTD, slowness, etc.

Plus Tynan says its unstable but I have yet to have any issues with it :) Much fewer than with 32bit 0.18

Although this mod is one of my core mods and I really hope it gets a 1.0 update asap.
Outdated / Re: [B18] cuproPanda's Mods (10 Jan 18)
June 23, 2018, 11:25:36 AM
If Cupro is really gone and not updating his mods I hope someone else steps up and updates them. I consider Stones and Alloys for instance to be on my list of absolutely necessary mods
thanks for the arrogant reply. But I read about the mod just fine.

Unfortunately adding alien races mods automatically adds weapons in most cases.
You could have just simply said its likely the weapons in those alien races mods were not CE compatible which would have led me to look, and find for some as I just did, a patch that fixes this issue, but hey everyone has a right to be a ****. I am happy to call you out on it, in particular.
I seem to be having a problem, not sure if it is known.

But it seems if I try to play Hardcore SK with a mod that adds weapons or aliens, those weapons do zero damage, and the aliens do zero damage with their fists.

I am not sure why this happens or if there is a fix. I just watched an Android fight a Jackalope and the jackalope didn't get so much as a bruise.
I read on steam that there is a patch to make Facial Stuff compatible with this? Where can I find that patch? I am excited to get Hardcore SK and Facial Stuff working together.