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Quote from: Yarkista on September 25, 2013, 05:12:08 PM
Ugh. I would love to get into dwarf fortress but it's just so difficult to jump into, are there any games like df but are easy to jump into?

Well you could consider Gnomoria as similar and easier accessible due the mouse control there you have to build and survives with gnomes instead of dwarfs and to fight off goblins ... at least in the early development stage it was based up on that. which is mouse driven plus key inputs if i remember right.

if you like to get in touch with keybased games i would suggest Unrealworld ,well there many mores indeed but  , there is a easy control patter which is accessible over different ways but as sayed on my previous post completely different focus ^^

Well dwarfs fortress seems tobe difficult, just search for some written tutorials and dig up the wiki page. DO small steps, make small goals, internalize good strategies of your own improve your habits and modify them.
A Tileset could help aswell (Masterworks mod for DF can be found in the forums which adds sme buildingds to spice the LATE game and declutter the amount of goods so not 20 different tree types and 120 different rock types just 3 tree types and 10 rock types  {  as an exaggerated  comparison  ::), so things will be easier aswell if you don't have to remember thousands of little things(materials) and can focus on real problems  } aswell it offers some Embark pre-setups + an automated "basic" castle pattern for starters to have a decent base(Check the Manual of the mod for it ) . good thing with masterworks is you can decide if you like that feature or not and include/ exclude it through a checking box and a hint what it does change as mouse over in a separate UI.
Call of Duty 4 ( for me it's still the best )
Unreal world, a "fantasy Rougelike survivale settled in the Ironage of Finnland"
X3:TC/AB while i do waiting for X:Rebirth this november from
that's it mostly
here and there a flashgame or something from my "trashbin with ~ 200 issues" aka steamlibary ;)