What are you playing while you wait for this game!

Started by Jakadasnake, September 24, 2013, 06:24:01 PM

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Title says it all.

Right now I'm braving the depths in Spelunky. It's so maddeningly difficult and I'm terrible at it but I can't stop playing it. Oh, and a little League of Legends here and there (go Pantheon!)

What about you guys?


Wow. Awesome answer. How is Godus? I've been considering picking it up.


Quote from: Jakadasnake on September 24, 2013, 06:53:42 PM
Wow. Awesome answer. How is Godus? I've been considering picking it up.

Not bad, and promises to be a great game, but at this level there is little content (must have 10 hours of play) and when the terrain is not random, so that the games are equal. Still have not implemented multiplayer. I guess I will need at least to wait a few patches to make it more interesting


Jaka, what's your summoner name for LoL? Are you on NA? We should get some games going =p

Add me, I'm Riot Taco Storm.


That sounds great. I have to head back to work now, but it's a short day that ends for me in about 3 hours. After that, I'm game to do some stomping!

My in game name is Jakadasnake (crazy, I know).


Lately, I've been playing to Dota 2, trying all different heroes against bots. The AI is much developed in Dota 2 than in LoL, that's why I didn't quite like it as much as Dota.


I was a huge fan of the first DotA, but then all my friends started playing Heroes of Newerth. No idea why I switched to League.


Quote from: Jakadasnake on September 25, 2013, 04:53:41 AM
I was a huge fan of the first DotA, but then all my friends started playing Heroes of Newerth. No idea why I switched to League.

You're a bad apple heh ;)


Europa Universalis 4, v1.2
Hearts of Iron 3 Finest Hour
Dominions 4
Rome 2, after patch 2 battles are playable now


Quote from: Kalesin on September 24, 2013, 06:59:01 PM
Quote from: Jakadasnake on September 24, 2013, 06:53:42 PM
Wow. Awesome answer. How is Godus? I've been considering picking it up.

Not bad, and promises to be a great game, but at this level there is little content (must have 10 hours of play) and when the terrain is not random, so that the games are equal. Still have not implemented multiplayer. I guess I will need at least to wait a few patches to make it more interesting

I played Godus multiplayer the other day with a friend of mine. I thought it was implemented?

Now playing coop games with another friend of mine: Dead Space 3, Magicka, Alien Swarm
and singleplayer: Minecraft and Castle Story
E Nystrom - @enystrom8734


Call of Duty 4 ( for me it's still the best )
Unreal world, a "fantasy Rougelike survivale settled in the Ironage of Finnland" http://www.unrealworld.fi/
X3:TC/AB while i do waiting for X:Rebirth this november from www.Egosoft.com
that's it mostly
here and there a flashgame or something from my "trashbin with ~ 200 issues" aka steamlibary ;)


Quote from: enystrom8734 on September 25, 2013, 01:05:24 PM
Quote from: Kalesin on September 24, 2013, 06:59:01 PM
Quote from: Jakadasnake on September 24, 2013, 06:53:42 PM
Wow. Awesome answer. How is Godus? I've been considering picking it up.

Not bad, and promises to be a great game, but at this level there is little content (must have 10 hours of play) and when the terrain is not random, so that the games are equal. Still have not implemented multiplayer. I guess I will need at least to wait a few patches to make it more interesting

I played Godus multiplayer the other day with a friend of mine. I thought it was implemented?

Now playing coop games with another friend of mine: Dead Space 3, Magicka, Alien Swarm
and singleplayer: Minecraft and Castle Story

That's awesome. There's a buddy of mine that I do that with too. I think I streamed an entire co-op lets play of Deadspace 3 and it was an absolute blast. Magicka is a lot of fun too, but a lot more difficult for me. Alien Swarm is also a great time. Good picks, all of them.


Ugh. I would love to get into dwarf fortress but it's just so difficult to jump into, are there any games like df but are easy to jump into?


Quote from: Yarkista on September 25, 2013, 05:12:08 PM
Ugh. I would love to get into dwarf fortress but it's just so difficult to jump into, are there any games like df but are easy to jump into?

New one getting ready to come out called RimPlanet or something. Heard it might be decent.

But seriously, I don't think there are a whole lot of user-friendly dwarf fortress type games. I'd recommend checking out FTL if you haven't already. Other than that, for brutally difficult games just get Dark Souls. It's on sale for like 7.50 right now I think.