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Messages - Renoch

Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
November 30, 2013, 03:49:16 PM
I'd love to see the an option to cause raider corpses and dropped weapons to be allowed for hauling from the moment they spawn, like a toggle. It gets annoying when I kill a pack of bandits with a blasting charge and I have to hunt for the dropped weapons, especially when there's several of them already in my equipment racks.

Part of my wants to see a manned turret, though I doubt that'd be cheap, since a colonist would have to jump onto it.

Another odd thought was a human-powered generator, like a stationary bike generator or something similar. Could be set for use by colonists or prisoners, so I can get something out of them for eating up my nutrient paste.   >:(

On that line, exercise equipment, like a gym. Set it around the cleaning or researching priority level, so colonists don't go working out instead of growing potatoes and such. The cardio equipment could generate power, the weight equipment could put points towards their ManualDumb skills, and it could all generate happiness from giving the colonists a productive output for their frustrations. ( +5 happiness "Got to vent on the punching bag today" ).