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Messages - morticinus

I found a small issue in the translation files. It is reflected in all languages. See picture.
Translations / Re: New keyed translations format
April 03, 2020, 12:21:14 PM
we still need this: {x_gender? A : B : C : D} (A Female.txt, B Male.txt, C Neuter.txt, D Plural.txt)

Any chance to add this to the code?

Thank you
Translations / Re: Note on translating for Royalty
March 28, 2020, 12:38:31 PM

I have a problem with translating all "questnames", is forcibly replacing the first capital letters. I have no idea how I can solve it.


  <!-- EN:
    <li>questName->monument decree</li>
    <li>questName->Nařízení výstavby monumentu</li>

  <!-- EN:
    <li>questName->[defToProduce_label] production decree</li>
    <li>questName->Nařízení výroby ([defToProduce_label])</li>

Translations / Highlighted words
March 04, 2020, 07:05:44 AM
Hi, I found a bug.
Unnecessarily highlighted words. (highlighted time? s, h, d, y)

For now I am solving the problem with Zero-width space (&#8203;), but this space is deleted after using translation cleaner tool.

Is there any better solution?
Bugs / [1.1.2560] Small mistake in the text
March 01, 2020, 01:15:52 PM
I found a small mistake in the text.

Translations / Re: Long phrases (backstories)
November 18, 2019, 01:53:55 PM
I agree, but Czech is a very, very complex language. I try to make the best possible translation. Shortening does not solve anything, it only decreases the quality of translation.
Translations / Re: English translation mistake
October 10, 2019, 01:20:27 PM
Yes, Czech language has the same problem.

This issue is already reported here (row: 20. Blueprint labels are apparently incorrect:).
I'm still waiting for some improvements from this list of translation issues. Is there any progress?
Translations / Re: Long phrases (backstories)
May 04, 2019, 10:56:32 AM
sometimes it is impossible to find shorter ways by using synonyms or another expressions. Now, I checked all the translated titles (male and female) in the game by using mod Prepare carefully and found a problem with about 50 titles. I managed to fix about 20 titles, the remaining expressions is impossible to fix. Only three extra letters would be great. Thank you.
Translations / Long phrases (backstories)
April 18, 2019, 05:49:30 PM
some phrases <titleFemale> (or <title>) in backstories do not fit in the game UI. Could you move the "Skills" (Dovednosti) table more to the right?

    <!-- EN: glitterworld surgeon -->
    <title>chirurg ze třpytosvěta</title>
    <titleFemale>chirurgyně ze třpytosvěta</titleFemale>

Thank you.

Translations / Re: New keyed translations format
April 06, 2019, 08:15:44 AM
Hi Ison,
I don't know if we understand each other. Maybe, I described it wrong.

I need to improve this:

Quote from: ison on September 04, 2018, 08:06:39 AM
Our system can easily tell the gender of a pawn, but it can't tell the gender of any other object. This means that if you want to use a gender conditional expression on, for example, items, then you need to provide some lookup tables by creating the following files in your language folder:
and add one word per line to each file, e.g.: (Male.txt)

then if an object whose label is "sword" is passed, its _gender will be male.

This makes it possible to do this:
{THING_label} is {THING_gender ? beautiful1 : beautiful2}
where "beautiful" is different based on the THING's gender (which happens in some languages).

{0_gender? A : B } = great for Backstories.xml (used for verbs, adjectives, pronouns (male, female)....etc
{0_gender? A : B : C} = this works great in Keyed folder (primarily for objects) but I can't always use it
{0_gender? A : B : C : D} = I need this for great translation improvements (A Female.txt, B Male.txt, C Neuter.txt, D xxxxx.txt (Plural.txt??))
Example using of {0_gender ? A : B : C : D} for label "flower" (Female.txt):
-- {THING_label} is {THING_gender ? beautiful1 : beautiful2 : beautiful3 : beautiful4}.

Singular form - "flower" (translated to květina) is in the file Female.txt

květina //flower
baterie  //battery
židle  //chair

-- Flower is beautiful2.

Example using of {0_gender ? A : B : C : D} for label "doors" (Plural.txt):
-- {THING_label} is {THING_gender ? beautiful1 : beautiful2 : beautiful3 : beautiful4}.

Plurale tantum form - "doors" (translated to dveře - only plural form in Czech) is in the file Plural.txt

dveře //doors
nůžky //scissors
kalhoty //pants

Doors is beautiful4

Example using of {0_gender ? A : B : C} for label "dog/cat/pig" (Male.txt/Female.txt/Neuter.txt):
-- {0_label} is {0_gender ? beautiful1 : beautiful2 : beautiful3}.

-- Dog is beautiful1.
-- Cat is beautiful2.
-- Pig is beautiful3.

I would keep a simple system.
This system will help me many problems.

Thank you.
Translations / Re: New keyed translations format
March 10, 2019, 08:05:52 AM
Hi Ison
The Czech language has three genders. Male, female, neuter. I'm beginning to rework some sentences to sound better. I'm using {0_gender? A: B: C}.
However, I also need to have the D variant like this: {0_gender? A : B : C : D } + added WordInfo/Gender/Plural.txt
(maybe to future customizable like this: {0_gender? A : B : C : D : etc : etc }, only if easy to add)
A = Male
B = Female
C = Neuter
D = Plurale tantum/Classic Plural

Plurale tantum - a noun that appears only in the plural form and does not have a singular variant for referring to a single object, (in czech) door, scissors, pants, etc.

"A {1_label} has been short-circuited in the rain and started a fire."
{1_label} {1_gender ? způsobil : způsobila : způsobilo : způsobily } kvůli dešti zkrat a {1_gender ? začal : začala : začalo : začaly } hořet.

"{0} has died because of cold."
{0} kvůli chladu {0_gender ? uhynul : uhynula : uhynulo : uhynuly }.

Please add this to your code. Thank you!
Translations / Re: New keyed translations format
October 08, 2018, 10:08:18 AM
this helped greatly for keyed and backstories (thank you Ison), but:
can you implement this also for definjected folders RULEPACK, TALE, INTERACTION?

i need this (for example):

original template:
[INITIATOR_nameDef] asked [RECIPIENT_nameDef] to join.

[INITIATOR_nameDef] se {INITIATOR_gender ? zeptal : zeptala} [RECIPIENT_nameDef], zda se nechce připojit.

thank you
Translations / Frequency of translations updates
September 02, 2018, 04:02:24 PM
Hello. I tried the clean installation of Rimworld beta 19 on Steam. There was a problem: Some translation files are missing, even though they were available on github (about one month before beta 19 release).

Missing files (in czech translation):
lots of customized strings
and some original strings
and much more

I do not know how often the translation files are updated before releasing new versions of Rimworld. Maybe there is a mistake elsewhere.

If possible, i think players will appreciate more frequent updates of translation files.

Thanks in advance for your answer.
Quote from: ison on July 22, 2018, 08:42:56 AM
I'm not sure if adding more customisable words would be the best approach here. Some languages have many pronouns, so remembering all their names could be difficult.

Yes it's true, but what I need is not pronouns but endings of words.

Quote from: ison on July 22, 2018, 08:42:56 AM
Perhaps something like this would be good:

[PAWN_nameDef] [PAWN_gender ? był : była]

Or, if the language has 3 genders (male, female, neuter) then:

[PAWN_nameDef] [PAWN_gender ? był : była : było]

I need only two variants for Czech (for examples):

[PAWN_gender1]  =   -/-a/-o    (for example - word "was": byl/byla/bylo    or word "could" "mohl/mohla/mohlo"   etc)
[PAWN_gender2]  =  -ý/-á/-é   (for example - word "hungry": hladový/hladová/hladové   etc)
[PAWN_genderx]  =  male/female/neuter

Example for female:

[PAWN_nameDef] was hungry.  =  Kate was hungry.
[PAWN_nameDef] byl[PAWN_gender1] hladov[PAWN_gender2]. = Kate byla hladová.

is it possible to add more customisable words for grammar.xml file like:
[PAWN_possessive]   ->   its/his/her
[PAWN_pronoun]   ->   it/him/her
[PAWN_objective]   ->   he/she/it

For example:
[PAWN_customword]   ->   x/y/z

I want in Czech for example:
George was   ->   George byl   ->   [PAWN_nameDef] byl[PAWN_customword]
Kate was   ->   Kate byla   ->   [PAWN_nameDef] byl[PAWN_customword]

I think a similar problem is in other languages like Russian, Polish, Slovak, etc.
