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Messages - Goosedown

Heya Vindar, thanks a ton for making and updating this mod. Its pretty much required for me to have a proper play through now.   :D

If its helpful to let you know, I am getting an error whenever the hostile warband faction tries to raid my settlement. (I've got a small bundle of other mods, so they may be interacting is a bad way).
Edit! I tried this with no mods loaded at all and i get the same error...
Theoretically you could duplicate this by just spawning a 35pt raid with the warband faction.
Below is the error:

Faction Murderer's Rock of def MedTimes_Faction_Warband has no usable PawnGroupMakers for parms tile=50360, inhabitants=False, points=42.525, faction=Murderer's Rock, traderKind=, generateFightersOnly=False, raidStrategy=ImmediateAttack, forceOneIncap=True
I can only imagine how complicated adding in a new siege type event would be. Their sieges seem to work just fine and its not that weird considering that if a medieval group got their hands on some heavy weapons I would imagine they'd probably be all kinds of excited to use it in a siege. Just like my folks end up mixing shoddy guns and arbalests. :P
The Wehrmacht mod and Medieval times interact interestingly, as I had a group of medieval retainers setup for a siege and build 2cm flak cannons(I feel lucky they were behind a mountain...). I'm not sure if its intentional that other mod's siege(ish) weapons can be used, but just a heads up that it happened.
Holy crap you're quick with the fixes. Massively appreciated!
I suspect that it might be something on my end if no one else has mentioned it, but i've been seeing an odd issue where 100% of the tribals that are raiding me are wearing warlord's plate. While this makes for some lovely loot i'm terrified of what'll happen when the raids get bigger and i'm dealing with dozens of heavily armored club swinging tribals...
Edit: Same goes with medieval factions, everyone has warlord's plate...
Hopefully this isn't something that has already been addressed and I missed it.
However merging the construction and repair has resulting in a lot more micromanagement in my experience. After a raid i'm much more interested in having my colonists build new walls to fill the holes in my walls than I am having them repair every wall section that took a bullet. As a result i'm constantly overriding them as they try to repair instead of build.
Thank you eatKenny, this mod has always been one of my essentials. I, and i imagine a lot of people, really appreciate you putting the time in to update this.
No problem!
I've noticed that a lot of people's idea of defenses is to throw everything they have into one line of defense. which works well enough until something unexpected happens and they have nowhere to fall back to. Having functional embrasures, ballista, catapults, spikes, and murder holes allows for more layered defenses so that you can give up ground and wear down the attackers. 'Tis a lot more realistic and fun in my opinion.  :P
I've fought off a few pretty sizable raids from the medieval factions without taking much in the way of losses now. I've found that it becomes pretty important to make a castle setup at your entrance. A couple spaced out layers of spiked barricades, some traps scattered in between, and my colonists shooting from behind walls with the sandbag replacer rampart thingy between the walls to be very effective.

The most important part is killing enough of them that the whole group runs away(About half?). My normal tactic is to kill a few while they climb over the spikes, then retreat my colonists behind a door where i have a melee-ers to each side and archers with some cover aiming  straight at the door. When they break through they aggro the melee guys and get wrecked by the archers.
And when you get murder holes? Oh boy layered defenses.
Slightly old pic of my front line but shows the idea. This one is with embrasures(Importantly they can crawl through it slowly, which allows the ranged enemies to shoot through them)

Also, thank you so much for this mod Vindar. You've made this game so much more fun than it already was. :D
Noticed the drug production research dropped down to 700 from i believe 1700. That makes it a lot more practical to research, especially for tribals. Thank you for that.
Before I couldn't prioritize drugs over machining and the like. Drugs>Violence

And having a way to destroy drugs would be great, that pile of flake is just waiting for someone to binge on it and it scares me...