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Messages - Scrabbling

And by the way: Idle colonists to take precedence to a certain degree.
Example (with devised numbers):
John is tailoring. Jane is idle.
Since John is busy he only checks for others jobs with higher priority than tailoring every 2 seconds (or whatever interval is defined for tailor jobs). Jane is idle and checks for jobs at a significantly higher frequency like every 200 milliseconds. So if just 1 job becomes available (for example 1 tile to mine) Jane is a lot more likely to get this Job than John since Jane checks more often.
The problem is that you most likely designate more than 1 tile for mining but f. e. a vine of 10 compacted steel. So even if idle Jane takes the first of those 10 mining jobs you created (which is highly probable) and thus acts as you suggest, there are still 9 other mining jobs left. And unless you have 9 more idle colonists those jobs are up for grabs. And if you insist that you can't be bothered with tweaking your priorities John will stop tailoring and go mining, too.

In summary: The game already does what you suggest to a certain degree by timings and furthermore it offers you all the tools you need via Manual Priorities to finetune it and if all that fails you can manually prioritize tasks (which indeed is micromanagement).

And just in case you aren't just refusing to use the tools the game offers you but you don't know enough about them: You can select "manual priorities" in the work tab. Instead of check boxes you know have boxed with numbers between 1 and 4. 1 is the highest priority and 4 is the lowest. If a box has no number the colonist will never do that job. If multiple jobs have the same number they are prioritized from left = highest to right = lowest.

So in your case set John's priorities for Growing and Tailoring to (for example) 2 and everything else you want him to do (but only if there is no growing/tailoring job) to 3 or 4. Now John will grow until there is nothing left to do and then tailor until there is no tailor job left. Although he will stop tailoring if a growing job becomes available (but only then). And of course for food, sleep and joy.
Quote from: corestandeven on January 20, 2018, 04:41:51 AM
Nothing against this being 1.0, or the project being slowly wound down if Tynan wants to - as he says 5 years is a long time for development - but what i am getting a little peeved at is why this announcement, and others, are always on Reddit?

I don't think the reddit comment really qualifies as an announcement. As Tynan stated himself in the first sentence - it's a ramble. My guess is that there wasn't much thought spent on PR / communication strategy, but that he saw the reddit thread speculating about 1.0 (based on an off-hand comment of his in another thread) and then read the (at that time) top-voted comment about "mixed feelings" and just felt the need to make his point of view heard.

And if you don't want to use reddit but not wanna miss anything important, try this:
Regarding #5: My cooks certainly don't prioritize making wort over cooking and butchering. They strictly follow the order Cooking > Buchering > Brewing and I'm playing vanilla. If a cook brews instead of cooking it usually has a reason like cooking job is already reserved by another pawn on its way, ingredients for cooking job aren't available, skill requirement (for example 6 for Fine Meals) is not fulfilled, etc.

And I just checked the game's Workgiver xml to make sure:
DoBillsCook has priority 100
DoBillsButcherFlesh has priority 90
DoBillsBrew has priority 30

So whatever is going on in your game it has nothing to do with the game prioritizing brewing over cooking.
Ideas / Re: 12 Things that need fixing with suggestions
January 19, 2018, 12:30:49 PM
Ehm, everyone else including me selects the Harvest Tool, holds down the left mouse button and drags a box over the map and every suffiently mature plant in that box will be marked for harvest. Combine that with changing the schedule for your growers temporarily to work instead of sleep and setting their plant cutting priority to 1 and blight gets taken care of with close to no micromanagement.
To me this does not sound like something that warrants a implementation but like badly set-up work priorities.

If John is a good grower why is his priority for mining set higher than growing?
If John is a good tailor why is his priority for cleaning set higher than tailoring?

Easily fixed and not micro in my book since you only have to tweak this settings every now and then.
Ideas / Re: No snowy trees is hurting my immersion
January 18, 2018, 09:30:09 AM
A few days ago someone wrote on reddit about (re)making this mod:
Quote from: Injured Muffalo on January 16, 2018, 04:59:53 AM
Do you get a different number if you cook the meat?

Meals with human meat result in the "cooked cannibalism" thought which is +15 mood for cannibals (and -20 for non-cannibals).
Quote from: Jibbles on January 14, 2018, 02:23:02 AM
I got more than 8 hunters with assault rifles and I haven't witnessed any friendly fire.  They'll walk in front of each other and everything missing all the bullets that would most likely hit in other alphas.  Have the chances for FF decreased or is it has it been removed for hunting?

Bullet interception while hunting was removed in A14. And the friendly fire chance in general was decreased in A15.
This means hunting accidents can still happen but they are rare: It is not enough that a fellow colonists walks between the hunter and his prey (that would be intercept) but the hunter has to miss and the bullet then must land in a tile with another pawn to accidently hit him. And this isn't that likely.
It might happen more often if you hunt with weapons with a forced miss radius like miniguns or grenades where "missing" is the weapon's modus operandi.

Edit@Topic: Nah, keep friendly fire in the game. Or make it setting, preferably with default = enabled. Just don't remove it. The one change I would like is if I could choose the default for "Fire at will" when drafting. In 4 out of 5 combat situations I don't want "Fire at will" enabled or only for a few colonists and not for the majority.
Manipulation over 100 % has no effect on ShootingAccuracy. This is determined by the attribute <max>1</max> for <capacity>Manipulation</capacity> for ShootingAccuracy in Stats_Pawns_Combat.xml.

Sight on the other hand is capped at 200 % for accuracy, so there should be an increase after installing bionic eyes.

(There are several changes from A17 to B18 with regards to StatDef and StatWorker (f. e. factors replaced by offsets).)
Ideas / Re: A "Few" Ideas
January 08, 2018, 04:15:58 PM
Sorry if I sounded harsh! I certainly don't want to discourage you from making suggestions.

And your explanations helped a lot. Your argument for Fake Merchant is a good one. It would indeed be nice if factions become less generic and something you remember. I have high hopes that this game aspect will get some love during the beta development anyhow.
And I have no objection against reusable drop pods as long as they still require a pod launcher. I had just assumed you meant self-launching pods / shuttles.

Regarding the Hunting Alert: I don't share Tynan's opinion on this one and would find it more consistent and fair if there was such an alert. But it just looks like it's off the table for now. (And luckily there is this small mod that does nothing else but add this alert.)

Shooting to kill versus shooting to maim: I didn't comment because I haven't formed an opinion. On the one hand I like this idea. It just sounds plausible and would be easy to handle for the player (just one more button next to "Fire at Will". On the other hand I have no clue how hard this would affect balance and if it invites exploits or not.
Description for Organ Farm:
NAME was raised in an illegal underground organ farm. His/her body was used to grow organic implants for wounded mercenaries. Though his/her upbringing left him/her haunted, it has also given him/her a unique understanding of human biology.

To me this sounds as if they don't harvest organs at the Organ Farm but use the bodies of the participants to implant something organic and then let it grow to maturity. So the colonist with that backstory was more of an incubator than a donor.
Ideas / Re: A "Few" Ideas
January 08, 2018, 09:14:43 AM
The problem with these "collections of suggestions" that pop up every now and then is that they effectively prevent discussions. Some people won't read it because it's a wall of text. Some people read it and like 1 or 2 but won't give you a "+1" or anything because they dislike the rest. Some people read it and find 1 or 2 interesting / worthy of discussion but don't comment because they have nothing to say about the rest. ...

So maybe pick one suggestion, make a thread and provide solid arguments why this should be part of vanilla instead of just "throwing them out there".

To give you some feedback nonetheless:

- Vehicles: get frequently suggested, no need to suggest them again, see opening post in
- Hunting alert: Tynan stated it is intentional that there is no warning, so won't happen, see
- Harvesting stuff from dead humans/mechs: Just makes the game easier and detroys the rarity of those items. Nope.
- Fake merchant: This event would maybe be fun for 1 or 2 times, then it would be figured out and the telling signs would be part of the wiki and all that's left is some tedious grind to check each merchant group and determine their friend/foe status. Nope.
- Scars/Pain: Just makes the game easier. Someone on this forum explained it quite well: Don't think of scars just as scars but as any kind of lasting body part impairment. Like a broken arm that hasn't been set correctly and since then hurts a little. And any sort of pain should of course decrease mood. So nope.
- Reusable drop pods: Makes the game easier and makes no sense for drop pods since they don't have any propulsion system but require a launcher. Nope.
- Surgery fail and no lost bionics/organs: Again - this just makes the game easier and adds nothing. Where is the incentive to train medics, stockpile good medicine and have a good hospital, if you just can try an operation again and again. Nope.
- Equip melee and ranged weapon: Rimworld combat is balanced around the idea that melee and ranged offer unique advantages and that you have to choose between them. Adding sidearms without redesigning the whole system would overthrow this balance. Tynan added a compromise with B18 in that ranged weapons now have melee capabilities too and this severely impaired combat balance already - see
- Slaughter tame boomalopes and boomrats without BOOM: Agreed. Your handlers tame and train those beasts, they should know how to handle them including slaughtering without blowing up.
- Longer aurora mood buff: Agreed. If I see something beautiful I don't forget about it the instant it leaves my field of vision.
- Everything else: No opinion.

Mods have the great advantage that you can get a custommade game experience. While vanilla Rimworld needs to be balanced in a way that is enjoyable for the majority of players, mods don't have restrains like that. Furthermore Tynan seems to have a very clear vision of what fits thematically/lore-wise and what not, so vanilla Rimworld is even more limited in what is worth considering implementation.
I wouldn't bet on many of your ideas finding their way into vanilla Rimworld and if they do, it might take a long while. So if you can't be bothered with installing mods it is your loss.
Since my point with time per meal obviously did not come across, let me state it more clearly:

  • Assumption: Food production right now is balanced with regards to (total) time needed.
  • Problem: It lacks common sense. Nobody would cook individual meals for 4+ people to feed.
  • Your suggestion: Cook 7 meals with 1 hauling trip and need 3x the cooking time of 1 single meal for all 7 meals.
  • My critique: That would be unbalanced as hell. If the assumption is correct and if you don't want to make the game any easier, cooking 7 meals at once should take MORE than 7x the time to cook to compensate for the saved hauling time.
  • Problem: This again lacks common sense. If bulk cooking would indeed take longer nobody would do it. But everybody does it, so this can't be.
  • My point of view: Don't prioritize realism/common sense over game balance/mechanics. If the balance is fine don't mess with it. So I would not want to see your proposed change in vanilla. My guess is that the developers are with me on this one because bulk cooking is such an obvious possibility but not in the game so I would interpret that as a decision against it. And that's why I pointed to a mod. But I could of course be wrong and you could bet on your suggestion to be implemented. In that case ignore the mod and wait.
Quote from: SpaceDorf on January 08, 2018, 06:36:09 AM
Quote1. Players can assign drugs or meals to a pawn and have them just carry it around and use it when they want it. This is already done in game with the "use icon" that's shaped like a bowl, just let our doctors and melee fighters carry go juice just in case.

This is actually implemented.
In the detail screen for Drug Policies you can set the number of Drugs to be carried in the inventory.

I haven't checked but OP stated that you can only use the option in the drug policy screen if you combine it with scheduled consumption. This should still be an ok workaround because the longest interval for scheduled drug use is quite high if I remember correctly but it's still a workaround.

I very much like the limited scope of OP's suggestion. Too many past suggestions requested a completely controllable inventory where you can add everything which would lead to serious balancing issues. Instead this is focused on drugs, medicine and bedrools and I am for it because:
- Drugs can be added via workaround anyhow.
- Bedrolls right now fall short of their purpose.
- Medicine: This is a tricky one. Are we talking about medicine already in the inventory because of caravaning? Then yes, of course a pawn should be able to use it automatically. But this is not trivial because it could be the inventory of the doctor, a fellow colonist or a pack animal. Caravan's would need some sort of virtual stockpile and pawns would need ways to interact with someone else's inventory. If we are instead talking about the ability to assign medicine to a pawn's inventory at will (like drugs) I am not so sure I'd want that because it is the first step of "completely controllable inventory".

Quote from: mightyhuhn on January 08, 2018, 06:00:05 AM
i can believe this isn't suggested before so i search for it and couldn't find it so i guess i missed it so here i go again.

You need to up your searching game  ;);topicseen#msg290450

And as with most frequently suggested things, there is a mod for this - or rather multiple mods. For example:

But if you'd ask my opinion: I find time investment per meal quite balanced in vanilla. And with time investment I mean hauling plus cooking. Hauling can be optimized quite a bit by having a decent layout with finetuned stockpiles and priorities. If this is more or less optimal time/meal is what it should be IMO. So if you add cooking in batches to the game it should not take less time (per meal) but quite a bit more (per meal) to adjust for the hauling that is no longer necessary.