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Apologies if this is a duplicate - I couldn't find a recent thread documenting this anywhere. I am running 1.1 w/ Royalty (and other mods).

An eclipse occurred during a toxic fallout. Immediately after the eclipse began, the green toxic fallout hue disappeared. I was expecting the hue to remain green during the eclipse. The toxic fallout game condition remained as expected.

Save and logs available on request, but this should be pretty easy to replicate.
Quote from: cloudchild on August 10, 2018, 11:22:51 AM
It seems that unsmoothed stone floors don't generate dirt or trash from animals/colonists. I had a room in my colony that only had this floor type and I never had to clean it and the room had a cleanliness rating of 0. Made an excellent kitchen but seemed like it is unintended. Haven't tested it on multiple rooms yet so maybe I was just getting lucky.

I think you were just getting lucky. Trash/dirt definitely comes up on smoothed stone floors for me.
It seems that there is no way to know the affect of working at the long-range mineral scanner. The item description says that it will find lumps every 30 days on average, but it is not clear how having colonists work at the scanner affects discovery.
I have to admit these new builds have been extremely fun to play. There are just a few balancing things that stick out to me.

- Giving a colonist a prosthetic (not bionics) seems to increase his/her value too much. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong about this.
- Devilstrand feels like it takes too long to grow and the required grow level is too high. By the time it is all good and ready I've already got flak armor on my people.
- Megascarabs feel OP in their combat abilities. I say this mostly because the infestations I've been getting make the other threats look extremely weak by comparison.
- Insect hives take too long to spawn new bugs. I would rather see weaker bugs that spawn more often.
- I understand there's already a small swing in how much daylight occurs in each season, but it doesn't seem noticeable from a player's perspective. Shouldn't season have a bigger impact on things like solar and wind power?
- For how rare they can be, healer mech serums should heal more than just the worst injury on a pawn.
Storyteller: Cassandra
Difficulty: Rough Naked Brutality (wow, kinky)
Biome/hilliness: Temperate forest mountains
Commitment mode: No, but self-enforcing commitment
Current colony age (days): ~125
Hourse played in last 2 days: 20 (whoops)
No mods
Map size: Medium (275x275)
Build: 1.0.1982

Was able survive the (very predictable) first couple days of Cassandra Naked Brutality and am currently at 12 colonists, defending a mostly-closed off area. It has gotten to the point now where I'm considering tanking relations with tribes since dealing with tribal raids is somehow easier than dealing with poison/psychic ships and other mech raids, which seem to be taking the place of the tribal raids.

Right now I have many colonists missing fingers, toes, etc. Looks like there are a couple of things I can do to replace a hand (power claw, scyther blade) but nothing that I can put on someone's foot, so I'm not sure what to do there besides save up for bionic legs.

Sorry for the theory-crafting, but it seems like it would make more sense if injured bionics were repaired with steel/components. It's a little weird that they can be fixed by applying herbal medicine.

Complaints, which I'm not sure are bugs or if I'm bad at this game:
Auto-rearm on traps and IEDs keep turning off automatically.
Can't rotate marriage spot.
Had two instances of "organ harvested" debuff at the same time with different spellings ("Someone organ harvested" and "Someone's organ harvested")
Merge caravan didn't work for me after sending someone off in another direction then immediately back to the original caravan which was visiting a faction.
Installed a bionic arm on a body-purist and he's not upset about it.
Storyteller: Cass
Difficulty: Rough
Biome/hilliness: Temperate, mountains
Commitment mode: no
Current colony age (days): 23
Hours played in the last 2 days: ~8
No mods

Colony started with two female colonists and one male colonist. Elvira, who had a psychite addiction was the lover of the male colonist, Trumpet. While Elvira was walking around in a mental daze as a result of her withdrawals, her lover cheated on her with the other female colonist. -35 mood from psychite withdrawal, -20 mood (for 25 days!) from being cheated on. Needless to say, every other day she has an extreme mental break and tries to kill one of the two other colonists. Last night, Elvira snuck into her ex's bedroom at 2am to sow a potted plant then immediately snapped and tried to kill Trumpet in his sleep. The only thing giving Elvira happiness is building a limestone chessboard, which takes 803 work to complete (that seems pretty high for a chessboard, no?)

Edit: Trumpet just married his new girlfriend, and Elvira attended the wedding. Elvira got a +20 mood boost from attending it while still having the cheated on debuff. I'll take it, but I was expecting Elvira to go ape**** having to watch her ex get married only a week and a half after they broke up.

Also, a few comments on the new art:
- Thanks for fixing the meat cube issue.
- The component graphic is a little weird but isn't all bad. The spool of wire looks like a spool of thread.
- It's very hard to tell apart a healroot plant vs. a cut herbal medicine sitting on the ground outside.

Lastly, I had an issue when my colonist was drop-podding in on a 1977-build colony where he drop-podded in next to a mountain. In this case, the drop pod would disappear from view when falling over some areas of the mountain and then reappear. Has anyone else noticed this? 
Not so much a playthrough story, but still perhaps some relevant feedback. I've been thinking about the reasons I stop playing a colony. The reasons tended to come down the fact that some aspect of the tedium involved in managing the colony didn't scale well as the colony expanded. To be fair, managing the colony does tend to scale very well for the majority of tasks. However, some of the interfaces like trading and forming caravans become cumbersome to navigate when the colony is large (oops I forgot to pack the bedrolls again).

Some micromanagement issues also arise when the colony is large.
- Replacing walls/doors with a different material is annoying to do.
- Manually selecting pawns with a break risk to consume drugs can become tedious as the game goes on. A setting where pawns consume if and only if they are at a break risk would save some pausing and micromanaging at least for my play-style.
- Tending pawns with non-bleeding wounds like cracks and bruises without micromanaging the medicine used also becomes a chore. Letting pawns self-tend only those wounds would save some doctoring micro. Better yet, assigning certain medicines to certain ailments would be amazing.
- Last time I played a colony the default behavior for traps had auto-rearm off, argh!
The changes since B18 are awesome!

Some things I've notice while playing the new updates:

- The rate of decrease in faction relations vs. the ability to improve them felt too heavily biased towards decay. It would be great to get better bonuses from gifts/trading with factions.

- I find myself having to spend a lot of time forbidding items I just created which I want to save for later use (e.g. disallow pawns from consuming packaged survival meal immediately). Is it possible to just have an option to forbid them upon the item being deposited somewhere after its creation?

- In a recent changelog, I noticed there was more incentive for doctoring pawns to not let someone bleed to death while doing other things, which is fantastic. However, I still have to continually remind my doctor pawns to not start resting/eating/feeding other healing pawns while there are unpatched pawns. It would be great if priority 1 doc meant that they would do doctoring before doing any form of rest/feeding. Maybe that's just my inner hypochondriac coming out though.
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
February 21, 2018, 01:56:25 PM
Some of these are bound to be mentioned previously, but ...
- Cooking sometimes fails and ingredients are wasted (e.g. meal gets burned)
- Be able to copy all bills from one device to another (built an additional stove, want to copy all orders to it)
- Seasonal fishing in rivers/oceans/large lakes (more for joy than a great source of food)
- Introduce melee training dummies to help raise the stat faster
- Painkillers (poppy plants -> opium extract (drug workbench) -> morphine (drug workbench)).  Unless I'm mistaken, during an operation, inducing anesthesia requires no item.
- "Do not resuscitate" trait: cannot tend to unconscious colonist with this trait (excluding anesthetized)

I understand that a z-axis is not happening (nor should it), but if we assume some very local terrain flatness, allowing short-ish (15, 20 tile?) irrigation ditches stemming away from rivers/lakes would be amazing in certain biomes and would encourage people not to dwarf-fortress every single time they play.

Furthermore, if we have a deep drill item for minerals, and a moisture pump item, shouldn't there be a deep drill item which can do the reverse of the moisture pump and make a local area fertile?