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Topics - Cimanyd

My artist made this:

I don't think she regrets selling that pirate to the visitors.

But why did she replace the visitors with herself? "...Candice Roughchild selling Merrie Keith to Candice Roughchild..." The visitor-with-question-mark's name was not Candice Roughchild. That third name in that sentence should be the name of the visitor, or the name of the faction. (or the name or type of the ship, if applicable?)

No idea how to reproduce this. Not that it's an important bug.
(Using A12c, not A12d, but that shouldn't affect this)

In the ThingDefs Races_Animal_Farm file, this is part of the Alpaca section:


This means an alpaca takes 30 days (3 months) to go from 0% to 100% wool, and when sheared, drops 120 wool, right? Except they only drop 100 wool when sheared, every time I've seen it happen. Am I just missing something, or is this a bug? Muffalo and dromedary have woolAmount 100, and muffalos give 100.
In the childhood backstory "Street child" (part of what looks like a custom character, Levin Lossfelt), "To stay alive, He resorted to theft," "He" doesn't start a sentence and shouldn't be capitalized.

Sorry to report an old typo when there are probably legitimate A12 bugs that are more important.  :-\
This is Aristocat's bug (I've tested it though):

Quote from: Aristocat on July 19, 2015, 07:38:59 AM
Note that current EMP grenade seems bugged, when thrown it stuns like 2 hour in game, but what's really annoying is that second grenade instantly dispel stun saying "adapted". change value to 320 or whatever and it will work. Or maybe just incompatible with some mod I'm using.

Quote from: Aristocat on July 19, 2015, 08:49:09 AM
Quote from: milon on July 19, 2015, 08:44:11 AM
No, that's right. They usually adapt to EMP after getting stunned once.

No, their stun instantly uh, "removed". So say if you throw two grenade at same time they just don't get stunned. I changed value in xml(80 to 320) and it works but time they get stunned reduce to like 1/5, so I'd say it's definitely bug.

Testing in devmode, it does happen (unmodded). One EMP explosion (a colonist's EMP grenade, or just the EMP explosion tool) on a centipede will last quite a while, but two in a row will have the second one cause it to adapt and un-stun almost immediately.

Expected behavior: Two EMP grenades thrown at the same time shouldn't work any worse than one. After being stunned, further EMP explosions shouldn't cause it to change to the very short "adapted" stun length; the first stun should stay around until it wears off.

When a colonist or prisoner is wounded, and has already been treated, they'll sometimes (maybe always?) go rest in a medical bed, get up after about a second to go do something else, then the next time they look for something to do, come right back to the bed and repeat, effectively making every other action heading to the bed for one second, when they have no reason to be in the bed at all (already treated, remember).

Edit: Hope this works. In the attached save, Whitney is injured (by being intentionally shot with a charge rifle by another colonist, I hope you're happy, it's your fault), and has already been treated. She's heading to clean some dirt, and after she does, she'll go rest in the nearest medical bed for a second, then get up and clean one more bit of dirt, and so on.

[attachment deleted due to age]

  • Colonists will now try to avoid pathing outside their allowed area.
What does this mean? Colonists won't go through non-allowed areas at all? They only will when there's no allowed-area path to their (allowed) destination?
  • We no longer allow buying back prisoners you just sold as a way to insta-recruit anyone.
Do bought slaves always have to be recruited now, or prisoners sold to pirate merchants "remember" they're prisoners, or what?
  • Siegers can never use melee weapons (too exploitable).
Siegers can never use melee weapons, or siegers can never use only melee weapons (as the changelog says)? Very different.

I put an incapacitated (from a fight) colonist in cryptosleep, intending to heal him up after the prisoners were patched up. Then I forgot to let him out for a few days. As soon as I opened the casket, he got three infections. They were all at 0% (if I remember correctly), so they hadn't actually been advancing during the cryptosleep, but I think they did start during those few days since he had untreated wounds.

I'm assuming this isn't intended, and that colonists' health shouldn't change in any way during cryptosleep, otherwise what's it there for?

Steps to reproduce, assuming this isn't any more complicated than it looks: Injure a colonist in whatever evil way you prefer.* Stick them in a cryptosleep casket. Wait long enough that you think they probably would've developed an infection or three if they weren't in cryptosleep. Open the casket.

*I know you're an evil AI, Tynan. The A7 organ harvesting with no morale effects proved that. It's your fault I still remove at least a lung and kidney from each prisoner. Definitely not me being evil.
If I mark a stone chunk for hauling, and it gets moved out of the way by someone (needs to stand there to mine, a building is being built there, etc.), it's no longer marked for hauling.

I expect when I mark stone or slag for hauling, it'll get hauled to a stockpile, not moved one square over and left there until I mark it again.

How to reproduce: Mark a stone chunk (or, I assume, slag) for hauling. Put a structure on top of it and have a builder move the rock out of the way of the building.
One of my starting colonists (female) had a synthread T-shirt and no other clothing. I tested by starting a bunch of never-saved new colonies, and almost all of the colonists had enough clothing, but I ran across 1 or 2 more with only pants or only a shirt.

Spawn pawn > Colonist in devmode sometimes makes colonists without enough clothing too, so it's easy to reproduce by spamming it and checking all the clothes (or just noticing the ones wearing no shirt or jacket).

Even if it isn't just "always T-shirt and pants" like it once was, I still expect starting colonists to have enough clothing not to be naked.
This is in A8d, not e, but I don't think e would have changed it; e changed the thought for rotting corpses, not normal ones. Though this may have been the problem A8e was trying to fix.

So... after having a little fun with dev mode just to test this, I think I know why "Observed corpse x3" was sometimes much higher than other times.

It's nothing special about Alice, either. Just to make sure, I brought the rest of my colonists over there, and (after adding some lights and a turbine with god mode, since it was night and apparently they couldn't see the corpses except for "hideous environment" at night) they all had a similar reaction, except for the psychopaths, of course.

Unless there's something special about my colony I don't know about, this should be reproducible just by having someone look at more than three corpses. And I think someone else had the same bug, somewhere on the forum or subreddit, I just can't find it right now.