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Topics - Karmos

The new resurrection mech serum introduces some novel social situations. I just had a pawn kill another in a social fight. It would be cool to see that pawn, whom I resurrected, resent his murderer and appreciate his resurrector.
Help / Base defense AI?
July 10, 2017, 12:05:41 PM
A17 introduced changes to base defense AI that makes it very hard to launch stealth attacks on enemy outposts. Can anyone help me figure out how to roll these changes back? I've compared A16 code to A17 and am having trouble finding them.
Ideas / Treat infections during caravan
January 01, 2017, 02:30:11 PM
It would be helpful to have colonists automatically treat infected colonists while moving as a caravan if medicine is present. Without a way to stop and treat them myself, I've had some colonists die to infections while traveling.