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Topics - thenightgaunt

I'm trying to learn how to mod rimworld and I've been following some tutorials. I'm trying to start out with something that seems like a simple concept but might not be that simple in reality.
I want to add animals as a valid target that sanguophages can use the bloodfeed ability on.

I found the file with the value that I need to patch (biotech/defs/abilitydefs/abilities.xml)
So I'm trying to patch into that the ability to target animals.

<Operation Class="PatchOperationAdd">
<xpath>/Defs/AbilityDef[defName = "Bloodfeed"]/verbProperties/targetParams</xpath>

I've got to the point where it's not throwing out errors in the log. But when testing in-game, it doesn't seem to work. If I target an animal the red "no" circle appears around it and the error message "cannot target animals only humans" pops up on the screen.

So I'm not sure if I messed up with my patch code there, or if I'm missing a value somewhere else that needs to be changed instead.

The error message makes me think that I need to be patching a different file as well, but I'm not sure which. Where would targeting rules be stored?

Thank you.
With the hinting in the last post on the blog that an Extreme Desert biome is on the way, it had me thinking of Dune.

Desert colonies are fun and a real challenge, but an extreme desert needs an extreme monster. Say, some sort of sandworm like beastie? So maybe not 100% Dune sandworms (for copyright reasons) but some sort of big nasty burrowing monster that randomly eats things out in the sand. Keep in mind that Tremors ripped the whole idea off of Dune without getting in trouble so some variation from the core concept will keep you safe.

So in game terms, how do you think this would work?
Stone would be safe, and sand deadly, but how to you get across into Rimworld a concept like "walk arythmically" or whatever non-dune version you'd want to use for the game.

I'm thinking that make it a chance each day that the worm would show up and eat something out on the sand. Man or beast.
But then guarantee it's appearance if explosives are used on the sand.

Mods / [Mod Request] Nonlethal weapons
March 09, 2015, 12:32:45 PM
After playing Rimworld for a bit I noticed that after a while I had problems capturing raiders without seriously messing them up. Now to be fair I go for bases with nasty turret kill boxes and almost entirely skip melee weapons.

So here's my question, is there a way to create nonlethal weapons in this game? Tasers, neural disrupters, tranquilizer darts, etc...
Essentially I'm looking for ranged weapons that incapacitate rather then doing damage.
At the simplest I'm thinking perhaps a short range (think shotgun) weapon that is supposed to be some sort of taser.

Is that something that people would be interested in or that someone would be willing to make? I stink at creating code but I'm ok at modifying code. So if someone would be willing to put together a proof of concept I might be able to expand upon it.