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Topics - Garlandgreeneyes

I have tried out adding a few alternative animals to the maneater packs, and it works out pretty well with hilarious results.  I think if implemented into the vanilla game, there would have to be a restriction on just how many maneating chickens would come at once.  I think this concept could also work well with housecats, terriers, and other low threat animals.  This wouldn't be considered a major threat event.

I was also thinking of an event where a crazed wolf pack comes on the map, eats all the other animals and then leaves... meaning you either take them on and risk them becoming manhunters or leave them and potentially lose the option to hunt.

Just a couple ideas, seem like they would be pretty cheap to implement.
I have played a lot of rimworld.  Up until this update, I can't remember the last time I lost a colony, alpha 9 I think it was.  Now, they all die.  I love this update.  Most recent loss happened like this, 3 raids in quick succession had me drafting all the colonists, though 2 were sick.  Survived the raids, but one of my colonists didn't get better quickly enough (only had herbal medicine) and he died.  He had a lover, she went berserk.  I arrested her.  My base was in the mountains, a hive appeared with many bugs, my 3 remaining colonists were downed.  The whole while of this, a psychic ship was waiting to be dealt with.  This all seemed to happen very quickly.  I'm just enjoying the challenge of it all.  Anybody else dealing with losing for the first time in a long time?
General Discussion / RC4 Encryption at
April 09, 2016, 01:17:17 PM
I can no longer access this site with the chrome browser, showing an incompatibility message for RC4 encryption.  I had to switch to firefox just to post this.

I apologize for likely posting this in the wrong place, or if in fact the problem is only on my end.
Just like the subject, I would like to make a new encounter mod, but I'm having trouble finding a way to do this... any ideas?
Bugs / Fires destroy corpses in graves
April 20, 2015, 01:59:53 PM
Just like the subject line, in alpha 10c, the fires are depopulating my graveyard, I just finished filling it up, now I have to start all over.  How am I going to make a map full of occupied graves if the fires are emptying them out?  It's just not fair.
Bugs / Chocolate not being hauled
April 16, 2015, 01:48:48 PM
Can't seem to see chocolate in the stockpile settings... maybe I'm just blind...
So the idea is this, if your colonist is unhappy, there's a chance that they will decide to leave with people from a friendly colony that is visiting.  I guess at that point, you lose the colonist or arrest/attack visiting group, and become hostile. 

Just seems like they come over so often, why would my colonists never want to see what life is like over there?
This texture mod changes default colonist heads to feature eyes that I think of to be classic JRPG eyes or just similar to final fantasy 6, also, appearances are differentiated so as to be able to recognize pawns by sight, generally... get it at the Rimworld nexus!

I hope you enjoy it!

This mod may be used in modpacks and modified and derivative works may be made.

Edit: Updated to Alpha 12d.

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