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Topics - Samden

So I decided to challenge myself by trying to survive at the coldest part of the seed world (a pretty chilly -75.9 Celsius). Anyway after befriending the lovely Caro Trado Tol they decided they wanted to trade with my colony, aptly named Winter's Peak. Thrilled at the prospect I went to see the eager traders head towards my colony.

What follows can only be described as a death march; in horror I saw these lovely people slowly freeze to death trying desperately to reach my colony in the bane hopes of trade and warmth. As their leader fell from exposure to the biting cold the rest paniced and decided to head back home. One by one they dropped. Even mighty muffalo proved to be no match to mother nature's icey maw. As the beasts fell the goods meant to foster friendship between our peoples dropped as well. Hopefully these goods will serve my colony well. They will certainly be a dark reminder that that no one is safe at Winter's peak.

I believe this tale tells us that trade caravans need to be seasonal when the player decides to play in extreme biomes.

Feel sorry for the Carro Trado Tol.