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Topics - Tenshi~Akari

Help / Transparent Stuff properties?
May 01, 2021, 07:20:53 AM
So, I've been trying to get Revolus' Semi-Transparent Materials mod to work for quite a while now, due to the fact a personal mod project of mine sort of has a prismatic crystal theme that would greatly benefit from transparent resources.

However, the unfortunate facts that impede my progress is there was absolutely no example XML included of how & where in the ThingDefs to use the mentioned properties, and I am but a simple XML baby modder that has tried every possible thing known in my capacity to get this working with absolutely no luck.

Has anyone been able to work this mod out before? As it stands now, the resource I have set up that I'd like to make stuffed transparent items from has its own set of walls/furniture/weapons that already uses the default Transparency shader and edited art for testing, but for usage with vanilla and other modded furniture that relies on stuffed properties, I was hoping to allow for what I've seen in the preview screenshot to happen when used as a resource.
I have been quietly trying to figure out something in my spare time & trying to at least get back into playing Rimworld while I have the time & will to do it, and trying to work out a personal mod patch for research projects in general. However, I'm not very savvy with everything involving xpath, and I easily get confused if I don't have a working example to base off of. (Meaning I'm confusing myself more looking at the modding wiki for it than I am actually finding an already existing example in mods I've downloaded.) Anyways, here it is:

Seeing the suggestion left for me in the request thread I posted a good while ago, I wanted to try patching out all the requiredResearchBuilding lines in every ResearchProjectDefs, not just for Vanilla but for any mods enabled. As a balancing option, I want to replace the bench requirement with the need of an additional connected facility object. This object itself would enable Tier 3 research for any research table/spot connected to it. I'd rather have this method done, as it still requires the same amount of research to get this object, and not lose some of the challenge aspect in researching. That, and still having choices in the style of research bench that fits my pawns' settlement styles. (What can I say? I like having options. :P

The initial idea: use the wildcard function in xpath patching to make it happen somehow.
The problem: I have no idea if there is a wildcard for the way I'm trying to do it.

Here is the borked code for reference:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<Operation Class="PatchOperationSequence">
<li Class="PatchOperationTest">
<li Class="PatchOperationSequence">
<li Class="PatchOperationConditional">
<nomatch Class="PatchOperationAdd">
<match Class="PatchOperationAdd">
<li Class="PatchOperationRemove">


In its current state, the patch naturally fails and the related red error tells me "XML error: <value><requiredResearchBuilding>HiTechResearchBench</requiredResearchBuilding></value> doesn't correspond to any field in type PatchOperationRemove." It will work fine when a research project's defName is specified outright, but my sorry attempt at playing around trying to find a wildcard method ends me with nothing workable at current...

So I really don't know if I'm overthinking it or trying to do the impossible, but if anybody is still around that knows better, is there a way to do this with a one-shot xml patch and wildcard syntax, or am I going to have to do specific patches for each & every research def I know requires the Hi-tech research bench?

Appreciating the help in advance.  :D

EDIT: Realized I had copied over the wrong patch file, of course the previous one wasn't gonna work regardless.
Out of fear for getting people's hopes up by reviving a dead thread, this is the mod in question that I'm hoping to find an update for... or anyone that's willing to make the necessary compatible fixes so that it will work? In all honesty, while I'm glad vanilla has picked up some of the basic bulk recipes, when it comes down to large colonies, it would definitely cut down on the constant pausing/back and forth pawns do with even that.

And yes, I'm very aware of many other mods that add bulk recipes, but that's the problem: having so many different additional "bulk" mods can be a bit too many to manage. At least with this mod in particular, it worked to add bulk recipes to *every* available recipe, modded or vanilla, without having to add additional defs or patches for more recent mods to do so on the user end, and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to not have something this efficient in gameplay...  :'(

If I weren't so slow on understanding how to work with mods requiring advanced coding/assemblies, I'd do it myself... but I am surely grateful to anyone who can (and is willing to) make this happen. :-[
Mods / WCIF: A Secondary Hi-Tech Research Bench...?
March 22, 2019, 08:51:26 AM
So as the name suggests... I'm personally looking for a mod that adds an additional hi-tech bench (not replace) to the game, or at least some way to make one. I've tried patching "requiredResearchBuilding" for research defs to add a more compact 1-tile version I was working on, but of course doing that threw errors since the function itself doesn't seem to use <li> as an alternative to add more buildings... so it's currently stuck at ending its research tree pre-hi-tech bench levels.

Does anyone know of any mods that have successfully done this? Or would anybody more knowledgeable know how to get something like this up and running? Seems like it's not going to be that simple to do through just XML alone, and I've tried, but C# is really tough for me to grasp at the moment...  :-\
[1.0] Remove Those Floors... That's an ORDER!

This is my first try at this... I've been practicing and all, but nothing spectacular as of yet. I am a little surprised no one has done this one yet. (Or at least, I have yet to come across an upload of a mod that actually does this.)

Here is a simple patch to fix the missing order to remove floors.

And when I say "missing order", I mean it actually will show up under the Orders category as all other orders do, in addition to the Floors category where it's originally found.

Fellow floor mod hoarders, this one's for you.  ;)

Download Link
(Sorry, I don't "Steam" so no upload there from me personally.)

Also B19 compatible. Feel free to use however... it's just a tiny but necessary patch.
Help / Creating a new disease Hediff...
November 10, 2017, 10:01:26 AM
So, I am very much a n00b at this modding deal still. I can do a bit of xml modding, but most of what I have done so far is graphics replacement in my own game & working on apparel pieces whenever I have time to play around.

Coming to the question I have, though, I wanted to add an anemia condition, just to spice things up in my game. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get it to show up at all, and I'm not sure if it requires more than just adding xml code to the game or not.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<HediffDef ParentName="DiseaseBase">
<li Class="HediffCompProperties_Immunizable">

<li Class="HediffCompProperties_TendDuration">





Basically, my main problem is I haven't been able to get this to show up in-game at all, even with scenarioCanAdd in it. (It's pretty much derived from both the Toxic Buildup & Asthma defs with obvious adjustments. I thought in doing that it would at least insure that it would work & show up in generation or even in Prepare Carefully like some other mods that add disease hediffs, but no luck.)

Any help on this is greatly appreciated! :)