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Topics - Meatbomb

Help / noob question viewing game source code
June 25, 2017, 12:25:12 AM
Hello guys,

Apologies for the vary basic question. I want to be able to browse the original game XML.

I am looking at this thread

And downloaded
QuoteZentar's ILSpy   |   This is for referencing the game's decompiled C# scripts.

This seems like what I want to do, look through these files, right?  But I try to open cs files and it does not recognise them.

It seems I am missing a step.  Please could someone point me in the right direction? Where does the base game xml live and how to look at it?
Stories / Tale of the Runners
June 21, 2017, 08:33:14 PM
Hey there Rimworlders!

I have been doing a serial of one of my Rimworld colonies on Reddit for some time, up to year 2 and about 20 installments. I hope you will check it out. Small group of tribals with a very special leader, and joined by Orioncorp members for some interesting group dynamics.

Part One:
Full Episode Guide:
Outdated / [A17] TropiCK Retexture
June 21, 2017, 06:07:00 AM
Hey there Rimworlders!

I love this mod, the only thing I was a little iffy on was the art.  The artwork itself is beautiful, much better than anything I could do, but it didn't to my eye fit with the original assets of the base game very well.  I really wanted to use this excellent mod, but wanted to make a better fit graphically.

All glory and credit to the original authors, I am just a tinkerer.  Basically I played around with the art in Photoshop—did some colour matching, adjusted contrast, vibrancy, did a tiny bit of painting and editing, etc. etc.  I think the tropical biome is a much better match to the core game with these changes. As you can see in the above images, the base game trees do not "pop" as much as before, and the tropical biome trees look a little more like the base game art style.

All this modifies is the graphics files for the plants.  Just overwrite the original files and you are good to go.

I will probably keep fiddling and updating, especially if anybody offers me feedback.  Thanks for your time guys!

Github Download:

Help / Unique items possible?
June 20, 2017, 07:03:37 AM
Hello guys.  I am just getting started so this is a very general question as I plan out an idea I would like to mod.

Is it possible to create unique items? Such that there is one available to you at game start, but it is not on the build menus, or in trader stocks, etc?

Is it possible to create items with a specific allowed number?  So you can build only one of them and then that's it? Or build a pair of them and then no more?