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Topics - Eep

RimWorld's item scale is WAY off.

Why do walls take up a complete 1x1 square (1m x 1m)? Real-world exterior walls are about 6.5" (0.1651m) thick. Also, why no angled walls to reduce the aliased/stairstepped look? (Found Corners but it conflicts with another mod.) Better yet, walls should automatically fill in the gaps when built corner-to-corner (which I do extensively to gain more space).

Workbenches are way too big and the research ones are just ridiculously off-scale at 2x3 (should be 1x2) and hi-tech is 2x5 (should be 1x3). Better yet, modular research workbenches (like Modular Tables and Tables+) where each section costs the same resources to build yet adds to research speed. This way the "main chair module" could be anywhere (another annoyance with >1x1 RimWorld furniture) and workbenches could be configured/shaped however the player wants (corners, L, T, H, etc).

The multi-analyzer is WAY too big (should be 1x1 vs. 2x2).

Power switches should easily be wall-mountable and 1/8th their current size (even thinner and smaller than Wall Light). There's Izzyssentials Switch but it hasn't been updated since A16.

Some mods give smaller workbenches but they have their annoyances. Small Workbenches (not updated to 1.0) reduces the size of workbenches to 1x2 but, oddly, take longer to build, and must be researched first. Since when does something SMALLER take LONGER to build? Dumb.

Tiny Workbenches adds 1x1 workbenches that take longer to build, have work speed penalities, and aren't as durable as vanilla workbenches. As with the previous mod, this is all stupid but then I think a 1x1 square workbench looks stupid anyway so I won't be using this mod.

At least there are smaller storage objects (too many to list), [WD] Small Solar Panels, Small Comms Console, etc. but I'd like to have more smaller objects so I can build more compactly/tightly.

I'd like real-world-scale-looking objects. Any mods that do this without stupid penalities/restrictions?