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Topics - jebo

Creative Rewards / Creation status: Needs creator review
February 15, 2019, 08:31:41 AM

I was told on discord that new names have been added to the game in the last update, but I found that my character isn't despite it follows the guildelines.

In says that I need "Creator Review". I was instructed on discord to ask for help here since other characters were added to the game (I bought the Name in Game pack in november 28th).

Is there anything else I need to do to make this happen?


I officially conclude this mod and updates for it. Thank you all 4,742 subscribers for years of support.

Peace out, yo!


Annoyance Remover
By Jebo -- v0.07

Removes annoying events so they never happen:
   -Solar Flares
   -Short Circuits
   -Deep Core drilling infestations.
Nothing more , nothing less. Compatible with all your mods and doesn't require you to start a new colony. Enjoy a game without annoyances.

Despite this effect can be achieved creating a new colony with the scenario editor, I wanted to do this for colonies that are already running. Hence , there's no need for you to create a new colony to get rid of these events. As simple as that. All the mod ever does is change the chance of these three events occouring down to 0.

Compatible with 1.2 and below.

This was made by Jebo. Special mention to the people at #rimworld-modding on the discord server. Without their help, I wouldn't have been able to release my first mod.


- Steam Workshop [Steam Workshop Link]

- Alternatively, you can download the mod here (Google Drive link).

How to install:
- Unzip the contents and place them in your RimWorld/Mods folder.
- Activate the mod in the mod menu in the game.

The mod is simple enough but if you like the idea and wish to include it in your pack, go ahead. All I ask you let me know and put a mention to me where the mod came from. That's all.


  • v0.07 -- Updated for 1.2
  • v0.06 -- Updated for 1.1
  • v0.05 -- Added to the list of removed annoyances Deep Drill Infestations.
  • v0.04 -- Updated for Release 1.0
  • v0.03 -- Updated for Beta 0.19
  • v0.02 -- Adapted for Beta 0.18
  • v0.01 -- First Release

I've been trying to make a mod to disable three events (Solar Flares, Short Circuits and Infestations).

I did this in 0.16 by just changing directly the corefiles basechance attribute in those events in the core/defs.

Since it's a new patch, I decided to actually make my first very simple mod, just changing the chance of those events to happen to 0. So I decided to make a mod so I wouldn't have to restart my colony (I invested in it quite some time), and maybe share it with others that might be interested in this.

I've read some tutorials about mod and folder structure, and despite the info there is scarce and sometimes very outdated, I think everything seems in order, yet the events keep happening (there's no easy way to test this out other than playing, since if you launch the incident directly it goes through anyway, even with the event chance set to 0).

I include attached the mod in question.

Could you give a look and tell me what am I doing wrong? I get no errors in the console and the mod is enabled.

Thanks in advance

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