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Topics - Phantasmio

In the Description of the Megaspider is says "...while its long deadly ripper-blades make it deadly."

By calling its ripper blades deadly in the first place, it is already implied that the creature itself is deadly, meaning it's redundant to say that "its long deadly ripper-blades make it deadly." It also needs a comma or "and" in between where it says "long" and "deadly" if you want the description to use perfect grammar.

It's not an important change by all means, especially if it takes significant effort to change the description of a creature in RimWorld, but it would be a more proper description to explain it like "its long, deadly ripper-blades make this beast a lethal adversary." Or "its long, deadly ripper-blades make this beast a fearsome foe." An example with "and" would be "...while its long and deadly ripper-blades make this creature a lethal adversary."