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Topics - makute

Mod bugs / Spam log lagging my game
November 10, 2019, 02:48:02 PM
Suddenly, the following started spamming my debug log in the hundreds:

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at CRC_Reintegrated.ArmouryUtility.GetColonistArmouryPoints (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>,RimWorld.IIncidentTarget,single&,single&) <0x00459>
at CRC_Reintegrated.MarvsStoryTellerUtility.CombatReadinessPoints (RimWorld.IIncidentTarget) <0x0006f>
at CRC_Reintegrated.MarvsStoryTellerUtility.Prefix (RimWorld.IIncidentTarget,single&) <0x00020>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.StorytellerUtility.DefaultThreatPointsNow_Patch1 (RimWorld.IIncidentTarget) <0x0005e>
at RimWorld.StorytellerUtility.DefaultSiteThreatPointsNow () <0x0003f>
at RimWorld.Planet.SiteMaker.MakeSite (RimWorld.SiteCoreDef,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<RimWorld.SitePartDef>,int,RimWorld.Faction,bool,System.Nullable`1<single>) <0x00155>
at RimWorld.Planet.SiteMaker.MakeSite (RimWorld.SiteCoreDef,RimWorld.SitePartDef,int,RimWorld.Faction,bool,System.Nullable`1<single>) <0x0006f>
at MoreFactionInteraction.World_Incidents.IncidentWorker_HuntersLodge.TryExecuteWorker (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x0014b>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.IncidentWorker.TryExecute_Patch3 (object,RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x0008b>
at RimWorld.Storyteller.TryFire (RimWorld.FiringIncident) <0x0008e>
at RimWorld.IncidentQueue.IncidentQueueTick () <0x000c4>
at RimWorld.Storyteller.StorytellerTick () <0x0002f>
at Verse.TickManager.DoSingleTick () <0x00610>

Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean)

Tried to draw quad with null material.
Verse.Log:Warning(String, Boolean)
RimWorld.Planet.WorldRendererUtility:DrawQuadTangentialToPlanet(Vector3, Single, Single, Material, Boolean, Boolean, MaterialPropertyBlock)

I can see references to "CombatReadiness", "MoreFactionInteraction" and maybe some other event related mod.

Any help will be appreciated.
I tried to use RIMMSqol and In-Game Definition Editor to make new recipes that worked on the Reclaim Reuse Recycle benches, allowing me to harvest some items from dead Mechanoid, but they broke my game. Specifically, I want to be able to harvest scythes from Scythers (in the form of plasteel longblades, so tribals have a reason to harvest them), and guns from Lancers and Centipedes.


Primitive Tier: Dead Scyther (harvest)>  Mangled Scythe (refurbished)> Plasteel Longsword (This is so tribals have a reason to harvest them).

Advanced Tier: Dead Scyther (harvest)>  Mangled Scythe (refurbished)> Non-sterile Power Claw (sterilize)> Power Claw (In my headcanon Scyther's scythes unfolds into a functional hand like a swiss army knive to help them navigate and interact with their surroundings).

Advanced Tier: Dead Lancer (harvest)>  Mangled Power Arm (refurbished)> Non-sterile Power Arm (sterilize)> Power Arm.

Advanced Tier: Dead Lancer (harvest)>  Mangled Charge Lance* (refurbished)> Charge Lance.

Glittertech Tier: Dead Centipede (harvest)> Mangled Heavy Charge Blaster/Inferno Cannon** (refurbished)> Heavy Charge Blaster/Inferno Cannon (machining bench)> Deployable Heavy Charge Blaster/Inferno Cannon.

*(The mangled stage is added to help balance and to represent tha fact that the mechanoids guns are hardwired to their frames).

**(Again, the mangled stage is added for balance. Also, these guns are too heavy to be properly operated by humans, so they need to be afixed to a tripod and deployed before use. The HCB would work as a fixed minigun, alike to the CE MGL launcher, and the IC would be turned into a new auto-turret).

I'll appreciate any help :)
Mod bugs / Construction frames never get finished
September 26, 2019, 12:18:42 PM
Hello everyone,

I resumed an old game after a long hiatus and found that my constructors never finish their frames. Materials are hauled and spent but the frame stays at "Work Left 0" forever.

After a search for similar bugs I find several reports from a few months ago blaiming mods like "Minify everything" or "Pick Up and Haul". Already tried toggling them off to no avail. Also, all my frames have an extra square on top, which may be a related issue or not:

Log file:

I'll appreciate any help.
Mods / Ingame enciclopedia tab?
August 19, 2019, 10:05:09 AM
Hello everyone,

Back in B18 there was a mod that added a new tab that worked as an ingame enciclopedia. You could browse it and search for items, recipes, and such. Can't find it now, nor I remember its name, maybe "Rimpedia" or something similar.

I'd appreciate any help though.