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Topics - MZ

My chicken and ducks started attacking a manhunter pack, even though they have no combat training whatsoever. When I disallowed the area which the manhunters were hanging around, the fighting stopped right away. Checking the log also confirmed that the combat was always initiated by the farm animals.
I got a biocoded chain shotgun - dropped by some imperial ofc - so I put it away so maybe I can sell it later.

So about 2 years later a colonist got the jailbreaker mental break, and let out two prisoners, a tribal and a pirate. The tribal girl went right into the storage, picked up the biocoded shotgun (whose real owner left the map a long time ago) and proceeded to kill everyone in sight.

I made her catatonic using debug mode and checked the weapon, and it still says "biocoding: Opos Decus" yet Xadavas Pheasant was pretty happy using it. Attached screenshot, unfortunately i didnt take one while she was using it only after.