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Messages - Zorroexe

Ideas / Player' plane-dimension
July 26, 2019, 06:41:54 AM
Post and forget idea.

Suggestion influenced by the manga [Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu], where the MC (player) can open warp/gates to his very own dimension, closed to external influences.

Mod suggestion:
-All warp portal/gate can only be linked to that map (Modded dimension)
-Warp portal/gate can be constructed anywhere, but 1:1 ratio.
-When warp portals in Modded dimension mis-match portals on open world, chances of enemies tapping into the warp portal.
-Modded dimension, is similar to a normal map, but with no animals.
-Raids, drop-pods, infestation do not happen in there (different dimension).
-Enemies raids are by hi-jacking player/constructed warp portal/gates.
Ideas / Globalization - Build ur base everywhere!
September 22, 2016, 09:52:27 AM
I don't know if there's such an idea, but here goes.

It will be great if we'r able to build up bases anywhere in the world map we started with on new game. (Including Underwater or Above water)

These bases will be faction of (insert you'r colony name here) + (Outpost name). Being able to control each respective bases, through their each individual panels (Colony A' ppl have to be switched over to Colony A' file to control.)

Each base will require individual load. When you switch over to another base, the inactive base will run on an expected output rate (Example: Food: Field size + average temperate + Shelter Y or N + average attention to Glowing duties). Expected output resources will be spawn (to a certain cap) in assigned area. Making these some-what real-time, and not making a huge load on CPU.

Transportation/ Allocation tabs: transport goods in between bases (require someone assigned to it, like current trade cavern). Load depends on number of entities assigned. (more = more goods).

Colony/Base tabs: to keep track and switch/ quick load to the said base.

Map: add some realism to land assault. For example, if there's a land raid from "Tribal A" to your Base B, this raid will travel a path (roughly RNG generated) from Point A to B. If there's some if your other bases in it's path, this raid party will assault those as well until they reach point B.

Map Incident events: Bombard from space to planet, such as a space siege that last x duration. Strong underwater current for underwater and above water base.

Map Defenses: Such defense(Building) that mitigate the damage from such 'Map Incident Events'.

Turret defenses:
-a turret that counter mortar' shells by shooting at enemy mortar shells (accuracy %).
-a flag turret that counters enemies' drop pod (given drop pods HP), flags does damage to drop pods, destroyed if hit 0.

-Can we have an in-built mod-maker which is 100% compatibility (unless some name conflict) for C++ noobs, like me?
-Can we have a mod migration? (from Factorio) where the game will delete the entity if there isn't a references.
First up, is is legal to have a mod based on another game? ( not full 100%)

Continuing, can we have a faction, Grey Goo, which is basically liquid metal but has combat capability? (go google "Grey Goo")

A enemy unit (let's name 'Blob') has the function or ability to destruct structure (made by players) & consume the materials (from structure or from the floor)? Materials will be converted into a single resources (let's say, Goo) for the enemy to use for construction or creation of more enemies units. 'Goo' will be in the enemy' Inventory.

Resources conversion into 'Goo' rate depends on the type of resources categories.

Blob can create more units (It'self or other units), the cost will be deducted from it' inventory (the maker' inventory). The newly created Blob will have the same features.

Other units created from Blob (other than Blob) have basic function as per normal pawn has. These units are able to convert back into 'Goo' (materials) when consumed by Blob.

On Blob' death, will drop all 'Goo', these are able to be craft into resources.
There's an error in your TOW turret and modified turret.
It's in a some script error.
Quote from: millenium on April 01, 2015, 10:16:48 AM
quite frankly i hate people like you. i would have admired you if it was true but the troll is god damned terrible.
More when it's a Dream Mod to have.
Download link not working for me.
Redirecting me to some youtube video.
Is there any intention of allowing us to utilize the weapons of the mechanoid we revive?

Heavy Massive Hualing job for Centipede? (carry 3 to 4 slots of different items at once)
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
March 31, 2015, 12:57:23 AM
-Heat Converter, giving out more energy when the temperature it's in is above a certain threshold (average room temperature), have to be outdoors.
-Freeze Converter, *same as above*
-Harvest organs/ parts/ limbs from dead bodies (yet to rot)
-CPR, tried to revive dead colonies, visitors, raiders. (dont work when missing heart or head)

-Air Transports. (allies, your own, enemies)
-Mobile Turret/ Base (a vehicle which can deploy and pack-up w/o the need to deconstruct)
-Planetary assault, attack from enemy spaceships.
-Under ground creatures, by-pass walls, hostile.
-Ocean. (Under water base, maps, ocean creatures "hostile, neutral", Underwater energy generator)
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
March 21, 2015, 05:13:26 AM
*Security Mood buff: +Mood when there's a certain amount of security installed (regardless of On/Off), -Mood when there isn't much when pass the first year.
~Safe: i feel safe around all these security installed
~Very Safe: i could sleep well now.
~Not Safe: we need more security to protect us.
~Extremely Unsafe: I feel we could get wiped out any moment now.

*Siege Debuff/Buff: + or - mood during siege events. + when countered enemy siege attempts, - when under fire.
~Siege Countered: We countered them!!
~Siege Under Fire: We'r living in fear of those Mortars!
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
March 17, 2015, 11:45:28 AM
Quote from: Monkfish on March 17, 2015, 11:03:21 AM
-Example: Building a energy accumulator next to a sonar generator will make that specific energy accumulator to provide a fixed amount of percent of that energy. (x% of 1,700 W)

So, a mortar that's unmanned, not as powerful or as accurate as the current mortars (strewth, it'd never hit anything!) and requires electricity instead of ammo? Sounds useless to me.
-It's just an suggestion, for the balancing point of using energy instead of ammo, it should be slow & weak, to prevent spamming. I guess the next set of balanced-set would be slow projectile (manual target), decent accuracy & weak damage.

Could do, though I'm not sure how that would be represented with pawns that have no arms or legs.
-idk? Maybe standing = current model? Semi-stand = legs bend or crouching down? Lie-down = body down, face looking forward?

*I Suck in Quoting.
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
March 17, 2015, 10:28:57 AM
*Energy accumulator - building beside energy source buildings will, generate x% amount of energy of that energy building, *highest one*
*Artillery Installment - a energy version of current mortar but automatic and doesn't consume shells but energy per shot (maintenance energy & energy per shot different), slow projectile speed, weak damage, low accuracy.
*Standing, Semi-Kneel, Lie-down mode. From left to right reduces the accuracy of enemies' fire.
*Hostile Flying Enemies (Humanoid/ Animals/ Alien)
*Add 'Collapsed rock' falling inside the shelter when a mortar shell/shot land on the mountain/ Overhead mountain shelter of that specific area.
Ideas / Re: Fishing.
March 15, 2015, 04:42:23 AM
Quote from: MajorFordson on September 08, 2014, 09:08:39 PM
Hey that's a clever idea! And they could farm seaweed/algae in the shallows!

Or, we could use growing area function to highlight an area for growing, switch growing potato into growing fish. In the mean while, the 'growing' & 'construction' worker will convert that area into a pond of water for fish to grow in.