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Messages - shite

Update (14/07/2017):
- Made spikes and caltrops trigger for every other pawn
- Added a chance (50/50) for the heat pad to set the target on fire
- Increased electricity usage for heat and freeze pad
- Changed Body Crusher to do blunt damage as the crush damage seems to cut people for some reason
- Improved textures for caltrops, bear trap and spikes thanks to stigma
Quote from: stigma on July 13, 2017, 11:43:38 PM
Quote from: shite on July 13, 2017, 10:52:34 PM
Quote from: stigma on July 13, 2017, 09:28:02 PM
Ok, at risk of embarassing myself... here is my terrible attempt at replacement artwork.

These were done quick&sloppy, so if you find this acceptable and want me to contribute I will re-do with a little more attention to detail - and try to make replacements for the rest also. The beartrap is probably the most detailed thing, so I figure this is a good sample to give you to see if you like. The others I expect to fairly straight-foward, though I'm not sure what idea to go with for the crusher and slicer (they just need a total redesign to understand what you are looking at).

No doubt someone (anyone?) else could do this better than me because I'm no artist, and I certainly can't draw worth a shit (with the mouse no less because I have no digital drawing board) - but here you go anyway - you decide if this is something you want me to do. Don't tell anyone but I think the low resolution hides my lack of skill :D

EDIT: you are free to use these straight away if you want while you wait for updated versions.


Dude, these look great! They look 10x better than my shit mayne. I'm gonna use these for the next update. I also plan on removing the heat pad and making a fire shooter thing. Like a wall mounted flamethrower basically that will set fire to pawns. Also on the materials. I think I'm gonna remove the stone options for all the traps because it seems out of place. Anyways, thanks for all the insight!  :D

Quickly did a first attempt at caltrops and spikes too while I was at it.
Consider these sketches too, but it seems workable for now.

I really haven't got the slightest clue how to represent the slicer and crusher in a way that makes sense from the perspective - and when not inside some tunnel. I get that you probably envisioned a oldschool prince-of-persia type of thing - but unless you code in some sort of restriction I think the graphics have to make sense if you put it out in a field too ... so some sort of blade-trap I guess, but after a few sketched ideas they all look terrible... I will give it a think and see if any ideas come up.

Oh, and since you made your spikes poisonous - maybe calling them punji sticks is an idea? They were often covered in the most easily available "poison" available ... human excrement. Sort of fits the scenario (especially tribals), and you don't have to explain where you suddenly got poison from :D Spike trap is nice and simple too though - I'm just thinking out loud.


Damn, these look great aswell. Ill replace these textures for tomorrows update.
Quote from: stigma on July 13, 2017, 09:28:02 PM
Ok, at risk of embarassing myself... here is my terrible attempt at replacement artwork.

These were done quick&sloppy, so if you find this acceptable and want me to contribute I will re-do with a little more attention to detail - and try to make replacements for the rest also. The beartrap is probably the most detailed thing, so I figure this is a good sample to give you to see if you like. The others I expect to fairly straight-foward, though I'm not sure what idea to go with for the crusher and slicer (they just need a total redesign to understand what you are looking at).

No doubt someone (anyone?) else could do this better than me because I'm no artist, and I certainly can't draw worth a shit (with the mouse no less because I have no digital drawing board) - but here you go anyway - you decide if this is something you want me to do. Don't tell anyone but I think the low resolution hides my lack of skill :D

EDIT: you are free to use these straight away if you want while you wait for updated versions.


Dude, these look great! They look 10x better than my shit mayne. I'm gonna use these for the next update. I also plan on removing the heat pad and making a fire shooter thing. Like a wall mounted flamethrower basically that will set fire to pawns. Also on the materials. I think I'm gonna remove the stone options for all the traps because it seems out of place. Anyways, thanks for all the insight!  :D
Update (13/07/2017):
- Decreased damage for caltrops and spikes
- Added debuff named poisoned to spikes
- Added debuff named slowed to caltrops
- Decreased damage for bear trap but added stun effect on hit
- Changed Body Crushers DamageDef to crush
- Changed build cost on Caltrops, Spikes and bear trap
Quote from: stigma on July 13, 2017, 10:50:29 AM
More traps would be cool, but if you want my honest opinion this doesn't add enough real new mechanics. Most of this just seems like variations of the same thing with some differences in stats - some of which seem either largely irrelevant or unbalanced to vanilla deadfalls.

I DO like the traps that hurt feet. That's genuinely useful and a good idea since it ends up slowing down enemies (and should do on average a little less damage probably compared to a deadfall in terms of work and resources).

There is also a lot of weird balance issues here. I only took a quick look at the stats, but here are some things I noticed immediately:
- (wood) Spikes are quite overpowered. They cost about a third the resources, are faster, and deal slightly more damage. It's not balanced if one option is always clearly better than the other.
- Spikes can be made out of steel, but that doesn't affect their stats at all compared to wood. it definitely should like with deadfalls, or else why ever waste steel on them?
- Caltrops just seem like spikes to me, except half the cost and half the damage (of steel spikes anyway). Seems superfluous if it's just a different magnitude copypaste of another trap - and 10 damage you must use steel to create makes them seem like they will rarely be useful. Now if caltrops also added a movement debuff (or at least made the tile very slow to move across) then that would be a different story...
- Beartrap again seems like a different magnitude copypaste - and poorly balanced against deadfalls. Why make a 40dmg trap for 100 steel if you can make a 60 dmg trap out of 70 steel? Even though it targets legs I don't think that makes it viable.
- Crusher slicer and saws seem ok I guess. Expensive, but getting more trap-damage in a compact area makes them viable later on when you have steel to spare - and saws are at least interresting in the sense that you can sacrifice components to cut down on steel costs.

Finally, the art needs some rework. It's not that the current textures are that ugly - but the problem is that they don't fit with vanilla rimworld style very well, so they stick out like a sore thumb. If you run several mods that have conflicting artstyles the game starts to look really messy and bad, so I think it's pretty important even if it's just visuals. You already acknowledged this though, and it's easy to change later if you can find someone to improve them for you. It just needs more stylizing and less sharp details basically.

So in short, aside from some stats balancing and some art-work I think the key to taking this to the next level is to see if you can figure out how to add more effects to traps - so that they don't all feel like the same things with a few stats changes. Leg damage IS a good example of this, but there needs to be more. Here's a few ideas you can maybe investigate if can be viable:

- Flame trap: Low damage, but sets pawns on fire (and maybe a chance to spawn a random fire on the ground nearby too). Since pawns can panic when on fire this could be a very useful different strategy to just dealing a lot of damage.
- Movement speed debuff on caltrops (maybe spikes too to a lesser degree if you balance this with the damage). A trap meant primarily to slow people down would be a very different thing to have.
- Trap that adds stun for a short time (this could be the bear-trap's thing since you'd need to pry it open to move again)

There already exist a lot of effects in the game - so if you can just figure out what is needed to apply those existing effects via traps then you can really make some interesting stuff (but it may require more than just some XML editing ... I dunno).

Please don't take this as bashing your work. All I've said here is intended as constructive criticism and I really hope this can pan out into a quality mod that really brings freshness and options to traps.

Thanks so much for the information! I guess I did make the caltrops/spikes/bear traps very similar. I already had plans on adding a flame trap which would be really nice to see in the game. And I will most likely add the debuffs to the caltrops and bear traps aswell.
Update (11/07/2017):
- Lowered damage values for heat and freeze pads
- Lowered trigger chances for all traps
- Made some of the traps rotate-able
Outdated / Re: [A17] Traps Plus: More Traps
July 10, 2017, 09:51:30 PM
Quote from: henk on July 10, 2017, 09:38:39 PM
The standard is to put a folder inside the .zip file
with everything inside

I want to thank you :p
cause here are the only traps in A17   which you don't have to rearm.
Humans are lazy ;)

Ah, I see, I have updated the file on dropbox. And it's good to hear that you enjoy the non-rearm traps :)
Outdated / Re: [A17] Traps Plus
July 10, 2017, 04:53:21 PM
- Added Heat Pad
- Added Freeze Pad
- Added Saws
- Changed every traps trigger chance
Outdated / Re: [A17] Traps Plus
July 09, 2017, 04:42:53 PM
Quote from: christianmc1101 on July 09, 2017, 03:08:35 PM
What do the different traps?

The caltrops, spikes and bear traps damage the lower region of the body

The slicer cuts the body while the crusher damages the body and head.

The current damage tier looks like:
Caltrops, spikes, bear trap, deadfall, slicer, crusher

This is a mod that plans on adding more traps to the Rimworld universe. These are the current traps that are included in the mod:

  • Bear Trap (Rearmable)
  • Spikes
  • Caltrops
  • Body Crusher (Rearmable)
  • Body Slicer (Rearmable)
  • Heat Pad (Powered)
  • Freeze Pad (Powered)
  • Saws (Powered)
More will be added in the future  :)

If anyone would like to help me with creating better textures, please message me!

Current [A17]

Thanks to:
stigma (Texturing and testing)
Help / Deadfall traps damaging legs/feet
July 26, 2016, 11:47:39 PM
Hey guys, I was just wondering how to make it so that I can make a bear trap/spike trap that only damages the legs. I can't find it in the DamageDefs. This will drastically help in a new mod I am thinking of (more traps). Thanks in advance!