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Messages - Ogaburan

General Discussion / Re: Relation to Prison Architect
September 20, 2013, 11:29:17 AM
Quote from: The Ataraxist on September 19, 2013, 07:58:58 PM
Oy! Don't get snappy...
You wern't clear, so I elaborated.

Anyhow, in order to do this right, perhaps Tynan should just HIRE the original artist, yes?

Yes, your right. I was not clear, wrote it in a haste... and i ended up only meaning to say that.
To be more clear... I like the aesthetic design of the people and walls that are very similar to PA.

I was not aware these were direct ports, they dont look like they are to me...
But I dont have any facts or knowledge.

About hiring an "original" artist.
Its a double edge sword for the likes of me... who really like the current aesthetics even if not original.
And might not like the new aesthetics.
All i can do tho, is cast my vote towards keeping the current style. Hoping the dev will choose to do so.

Quote from: Yarkista on September 20, 2013, 10:34:07 AM
I don't like stupidity....

Wtf man...? Whats up with the hostilities?
Since when asking questions is a sign of stupidity anyway?

Especially about a game like this, that there isn't allot of info about...
And the info there is, is not exactly centralized.

With such a young forum, even i find it hard to understand what is an outdated discussion and what is not.
You forget not everybody has the time to sit and read through all the threads here... nor followed the development from day 1.

If you think a question insults your superior intellect, leave it to the other... more simple-minded people to answer...
General Discussion / Re: Introduce Yourself!
September 20, 2013, 09:28:42 AM
Just one... dont want to get fat now do we?
General Discussion / Re: Game price?
September 19, 2013, 07:44:43 PM
Make a poll after beta... ask how much ppl are willing to pay.
Make an avarage... and ask for double that!
General Discussion / Re: Relation to Prison Architect
September 19, 2013, 07:42:38 PM
Quote from: The Ataraxist on September 19, 2013, 06:55:25 PM
Maybe give them space suits?

Ofc, thats what I meant.
Just keeping the "cone-men with floating hands" aspect, for a lack of a better term.
Ideas / Re: Got an idea for an incident?
September 19, 2013, 07:40:00 PM
I will add my voice to some of the already suggested events, and expanded on them with my 2 cents.
Hope this will provide some inspiration.

I think the concept of "Alien Contact" should be explored.
With a few themes in mind:
- Native "low tech" culture.
- Mysterious "high tech" extinct culture.
- Visiting "high tech" aliens.

Native "low tech" culture
Some Ideas:
1. A somewhat naiive culture of seemingly peaceful aliens.
(Similar to the duck people of Dragon Pass - which is a very old game based on random events you should really take a look for inspiration.)
This can present the player with the dilemma of how to deal with them.
Exploit them- With a possibility it will backfire when it turns out they are not always so harmless as they look. With a random seed to spawn ubber soldiers if this patch is taken, so it will blow the mind of some of the more greedy players. Otherwise you will get some slave-power.
Trade with them - For x,y,z exclusive items.
Interbreeding - Only a few men and women... and they have needs!
You can let the player have a choice to encourage/discourage "relations" between individuals of both races.
With results verrying between the human defecting, impregnation (not limited to females... perhaps? sub mission to keep him alive for a few weeks perhaps? A new "unit" with special abilities perhaps?) or the alien joining your colony.
Defend them - Some constant bonus as long as they are alive.

2. Hostile tribe
Predator like culture - Who will be hard to kill, and solitaire. After killing a few, the player might earn their "respect". Opening up possibility to trade.
Hive mind - Endless spawns of ants/bugs/insectoids that will compete for resource until their "anthill" will be destroyed.
Nomadic Tribe - Groups of individuals with pets. They must have pets... and maybe those pets could be capturable? Tamable?

Mysterious "high tech" extinct culture.

Just Abandoned Items/Buildings. Maybe forcing the players to solve some kind of riddle to get to them... or earn enough "hacking" tools/capabilities to open abandoned vaults. Slowly discovering some interesting mysterious lore adding some aspect of exploration to this game.
Items can vary from weapons, powerful mining tools, resource spawning points/items.

Visiting "high tech" Aliens
Greys - Trying to abduct colonists, for anal prob purposes only. A classic.
Refugees/Neutral - Fleeing some this or that terror. They might join if the player helps them. Or just trade. Bringing with them the possibilities of nasty diseases needing some specific-odd cures.
Evil/Hostiles - Ex-ter-mi-naaaaate!!! (Dr Who?)
Benevolent (?) - They come bearing gifts! Their free! They really want to help! Only those trinkets... tend to back fire...
A very powerful weapon that has a chance to explode when used.
A drug that eliminates the need to sleep... yet... the high metabolism it gives needs a constant diet of... HUMAN FLESH!
A ball that predicts the future, allowing you to turn back time (reload) to the last 24 hours... secretly spawning one of several bad events that will happen if used.
I can go on and on...

Just please dont go down the "Zombie" road...
Ideas / Re: Captain's log
September 19, 2013, 06:45:46 PM
Quote from: Tynan on September 19, 2013, 06:24:05 PM
Quote from: elemenofi on September 19, 2013, 06:22:28 PM
Blablabla... Europa Universalis is good... blablabla...
I feel I should play that game... I am just afraid it would eat my life.

It might not...
But the desire to mod it...
That ate my life.
Im currently in rehab... forced by my wife.
General Discussion / Re: Relation to Prison Architect
September 19, 2013, 06:36:47 PM
What first attracted me to PA was the artstyle, and I hope you keep it.

Its just an art-style that is so... brilliant & simplistic! That you kick yourself for not thinking about it first.
My 2 cents is that you should mention the artist in "special thanks", as he is deserving.

As for your thoughts of abandoning it, I would plea with you not to.
I really like it.
You shouldn't be pressured into doing so, just because another game "did it first".
Anyone who spends more then 2 seconds looking at the game-play realizes these are two really different games.
But be sure some "reviewers" will call your name "Prison Architect in Space", which at the end of the day will just be:
1. A comparison to a solid game.
2. Free publicity.
General Discussion / Re: Introduce Yourself!
September 19, 2013, 06:27:00 PM
-What introduced you to RimWorld? Or to this style of game in general?
Saw it on RPS and decided to dig some more information on my own...

-What's your favorite other game?
I will define myself as a turn based strategy fan, but not a fanatic. I enjoy good games.
Best games on my list:
1. Baldurs Gate
2. Jagged Alliance 2
3. Civilization 4 (With mods! Vanilla alone wont deserve this spot)
4. Dominions 3 (4 is too alpha to judge but looks promising.

-Most embarrassing gaming-related story?
(on teamspeak)
Recently I joined an Arma-II/III clan, and they asked me how old I was...
I thought them somewhat immature while we were playing.
It was more "chaotic" then i was used to form the milsims, and much more drama.
But only then I realized I was playing with a bunch of 15yo... with really deep voices!

-What kind of breakfast cereal is the best?
You take a corn flake and put it on a cheeseburger.