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Messages - PDCWolf

Ideas / Re: About this board
August 02, 2021, 02:42:07 PM
I believe this should be made clearer faster to new customers, not only on the forums but in other platforms and even storefronts as well. Personally, had I known this earlier, it would've been grounds for an immediate refund request, which obviously now I cannot apply for. Modern gaming has changed a lot and it's no longer the commonly accepted precept that the community is cut off from the creative direction of a product, for good or worse.

Whilst the lawsuit paranoia seems unfounded, I do understand it well enough to accept it, and believe me that I don't feel scammed or anything of the sort, just disappointed that it took me this long to find this information.
General Discussion / Re: Ideology needs some work
August 01, 2021, 06:20:49 PM
My biggest gripe right now with the DLC is the lack of mutability and any sort of general dynamic to ideoligions. Like yeah, there are other issues with some memes and precepts being no brainers if you want to go optimal, but I'd prefer dynamics first rather than "balance". Here's my point:

Both religions and ideologies have mutated greatly with time, and when they haven't directly changed themselves, they've at least split into different branches that deviate from the same base. This is easily exemplified by current religions like Christianism with at least 2 major identifiable divisions and many subdivisions inside those. To that, add the fact of it's core beliefs changing as time went on, from burning Giordano Bruno on the stake for suggesting the dots in the sky might be other stars with their own planets, to having to accept that forcefully as to not fall into retrograde ignorance.

Ideoligions should be either allowed to change, or forcefully evolve and/or split into branches.

I'd also love being able to introduce new ideoligions into the same world, which is something that RimWorld really fails at: worldbuilding. For such a narrative oriented game, there's little you can do to alter the world other than pick a seed and a couple parameters, and there's literally zero to do once the game has started.