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Messages - FreedomFighters

Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
January 06, 2015, 12:05:56 AM
The Ability to section Home Regions, so everyone can maintain their own "District" without interference from other colonists
(e.g. Darkeye and Leystrat live in Section 1 while Johs and Grim live in Section 2)
Ideas / Re: Suggest A Personality Trait!
August 30, 2014, 11:06:41 PM
New Traits:
Vegan: Only Eats Plants
Meat Lover: Mood boost from eating meat
Socialite: Social Talk Mood Boost Increased
Casanova: Social Talk Mood Boost Increased Drastically to the Opposite Gender
Loner: Social Talk Mood Boost Decreased
Sadist: Does not care if people die but people are disturbed at lack of emotion
Achiever: Feels good if idle after completing a work
Pyrrhic: Feels sorrow even after completing a work
Mechanoid Lover: Feels sorrow if attacking Mechanoids
Technophobic: Feels good if attacking Mechanoids but feels small sorrow for having to use implants now, goes away after a while
Jerk: Will complain about everything, to the others annoyance
Awesome: Fighting while others are spectating will admire him/her
Moron: Priorities go the opposite
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
August 30, 2014, 10:54:43 PM
Since you hinted Cybernetic Implants, why don't you add Cybernetic Implanted weapons, like Scyther lances and Centipede Inferno Cannons
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
August 29, 2014, 02:48:53 AM
New Traits:
Vegan: Only Eats Plants
Meat Lover: Mood boost from eating meat
Socialite: Social Talk Mood Boost Increased
Casanova: Social Talk Mood Boost Increased Drastically to the Opposite Gender
Loner: Social Talk Mood Boost Decreased
Sadist: Does not care if people die but people are disturbed at lack of emotion
Achiever: Feels good if idle after completing a work
Pyrrhic: Feels sorrow even after completing a work
Mechanoid Lover: Feels sorrow if attacking Mechanoids
Technophobic: Feels good if attacking Mechanoids
You should add more Medieval Apparel to the game as well, like Chainmail, Plate Armour, Great Helms, Steel and wood shields etc
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
July 09, 2014, 01:23:54 AM
A New Mechanoid: The Drone.
A balance between the strong but slow Centipede and the Fast but weak Sycther
Has either a charge rifle or an incendiary launcher or a grenade
A New Type of Faction: Nomads
A more wanderous type of outlander and are more likely to appear on the map and can trade personally.
Another Type: Escapees and Refugees
People on the Rimworld trying to survive their forced conditions. Always start warily but they have better equipment than the outlanders