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Messages - Alchemist

One of the funniest cases was when a trader caravan (pirate merchant I think) with a single muffalo visited. I browsed their wares, traded a few things with them and left them stay near my defenses. Then a hungry bear decides to chew on their muffalo. As those traders don't restrict use of some weapons, they not only kill the bear, but also knock out one of their guys... and the muffalo as well!
So, after grabbing whatever I'd like to keep, I decide to try selling the rest of their stuff back to them. Which doesn't really work. Because when I open the trade dialog, they have ZERO. No items, no silver, the poor muffalo was carrying everything and I robbed the entire caravan. And got reputation for saving their guy. Rescued the muffalo too, but they didn't thank me for that (well, apart from the advance thanks that dropped from the muffalo in the first place)

A most recent ridiculous case was when I got a psych ship event. I mobilized my guys, sent a sniper forward and called an allied faction for reinforcements. They land next to the ship and casually walk past it towards my base before my sniper gets in the range to trigger the mechanoids. Finally he does while the last of those reinforcements still is not far from the ship - so the mechanoids kill that guy, and the rest of them... don't even look back and continue marching to my base.
And then from the other side of the map a tribe sends their reinforcements. Yes, you guessed it, those factions are hostile to each other, so they meet on my corn field and litter it with corpses (at least didn't burn the houses down). The tribals won due to their numbers - I'd probably call them next time I need cannon fodder (oh wait, cannot use drop pods. damn).
And my guys had to deal with the mechs on their own. Fortunately, with quite some good protection mostly from juicy trade contracts, no losses. But one of them lost a lung. Which I just replaced a few days before! Anybody has an extra raider for spare parts?
Releases / Re: [1.0] Rimatomics | Rimefeller
November 24, 2018, 05:32:40 AM
Totally love these mods! 
(also thanks for removing that 16-18 construction/crafting skill requirement, it was a bit ridiculous to maintain)

But I do have a small bug report: obelisk lense module seems to not work. It displays improved range and lets you manually designate the target within it, but the weapon doesn't shoot until the target is closer. On the other hand, it shoots closer than the displayed minimal range. And the circle appearing when you hover over valid targets - it still obeys the range without the lenses, as the weapon actually fires. (tried to disable all other mods - the result is still exactly the same)