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Messages - Didact04

I think it's SORT OF meant to encourage players to have different wardrobes for their colonists (ie, not have them wear all their combat gear constantly), but yeah, there's already plenty of micro-management in game and all it does is make me even more isck of clicking than I already am in Rimworld. There's a whole lot of clunk that needs to get ironed out before anything like that can be feasible.

Beyond that, not having armor degrade when used is just...silly, really.
Quote from: Famous Shoes on March 05, 2015, 07:36:23 PM
I'll not have a chance to try this without EdB Interface for a while yet. @Didact04 where you using EdB Interface too (smells unlikely it's the root cause, but worth checking?)

I was indeed.
Bug when you attempt to equip a droid with a shield. Only tried on combat bots but the result was a long string of the game whining about how it couldn't do it until I destroyed the droid, as it wouldn't allow me to view gear and take the shield off.
A solution here would also be handy in the vanilla game, in which you get an ugly penalty for power cables, despite the fact that you built them inside of a wall and should not affect anything at all. But no, either the colonists left all the panels open and won't shut them or they have x-ray vision. Both are highly annoying.

I dislike that colonists are able to see what's inside of walls. And in this case, underneath flooring.
Pretty sure that the process of freezing would destroy the tissue of the organs to the point that there's no point extracting them. If it's been out long enough to freeze, the organs wouldn't be any good, I don't think. Unless preserved in a special way, but that's probably not something the colonists would be capable of.
Quote from: DarkMatterKnight on February 20, 2015, 03:17:31 AM
will you update to alpha 9?

Kindly learn to read through a thread before commenting, and also don't harass the modders. They work very hard for your convenience.
Mods / Very Simple Mod Request: Armor Crafting Recipe
February 16, 2015, 10:58:22 PM
I'm not big into code but from what I can tell this would be a simple addition. Basically I just want to be able to craft some armor. I don't like having to rely on kills and looting corpses to get armor; you'd realistically think the colonists could make something themselves, right? I mean we get a blacksmith table for heaven's sake.

It doesn't have to be fancy. Color-swapped versions for different recipes if you really want to, that'd be awesome, but just regular old body armor getting its own recipe would be pretty swell.

I don't suppose any coders have a couple minutes to work on this?
Mods / Re: Glass Limbs and Rubber Organs (Number Tweak)
February 15, 2015, 08:43:15 PM
I suppose so.

Trying to think of how to quickly tweak something to work but yeah this looks like a big overhaul is needed in the combat system. And a do-away with the hit point nonsense. I don't see what the point of having a heart is if I can just die from having my torso 'broken' anyway, or any other organ for that matter. It's just a chance to immediately die.

Future updates, how I long for you...
Quote from: Mikhail Reign on December 16, 2014, 10:13:55 PM
Most colonies only last a couple of years, if that. How would children have any impact? You would be lucky to raise one to toddler in that time...

Currently the goal of the game is explicitly to leave. The challenges keep scaling, everything keeps pushing, the entire planet is hostile and you don't belong. You want to leave. Its supposed to make you want to leave.

However, in the future, we might get very different scenarios and very different worlds to start on. Maybe you don't want to leave - or, maybe you're hop-scotching your way across the galaxy, stopping for pitstops when the ship runs out of gas and you have to either refuel it or replace the irrepairable parts duct taped onto it. If you're either not going to leave or this is a long-term endeavor, children become a real factor and something to consider.

Plus, what if you land on a world that doesn't have any humans or friendly life forms on it? What if you're on a barren world and only sufficient life support can keep you and your existing colonists alive while the planet itself pushes against you? You need a workforce. You need bodies. You need hands to manage things. And everyone comes with their own body-making machine...or at least, a half of it. Manage for a while on a good world and push deeper into the cosmos. Maybe you'll need those extra workers.

It's something to consider in the future. Besides, even if it was or was not a good idea, anyone with a functional reproductive system would still want to breed. It's something that would have to be physically removed from us to not default to that. (With some exceptions of course, asexuals  very much exist.)
Ideas / Re: Nomadic Playstyle
February 14, 2015, 08:36:23 PM
This seems like something that will be easier to work with if we aren't locked into a certain box of existence and that we can never leave.

When and if we get procedural world generation and the ability to traverse the landscape, truly nomadic playstyles will be a lot more feasible.

I'm really looking forward to some of the directions this game can go with non-human colonists, too. Maybe there will be alien species that get very distinct perks from moving around, or suffer from staying in one place for too long.
Ideas / Re: Cassandra "Serious Challenge" Some thoughts.
February 14, 2015, 08:33:42 PM
There's far too much luck involved and too many things you can't acquire yourself for the increase in difficulty to be considered skill based. Basically, if you aren't handed what you need, you die. That's not a challenge. That's luck. You can't work with luck, luck works with you. That's not YOU doing anything, that's the game being merciful, and that isn't fun.

If you could make everything from scratch starting from the moment you put your feet on the ground, THEN you can start talking about skill-based things. But for now there's just far too much that the game needs to do for you for you to have a chance. That is simply a waste of everyone's time.
I don't feel like a super futuristic government would make the careless mistake of dumping experiments where they can not only survive, but also exist where potential future colonies could. There's far too many humans in existence at this point for them to coordinate fully or really care about every individual, but there's a few very classic examples of how to bite yourself in the ass. Among those are not terminating experimental subjects you're through with.

A future humanity wouldn't be that stupid, basically. And that's not even considering how one would code any of this.

You also spelled "experiment" with 2 i's. Don't do that.
Mods / Glass Limbs and Rubber Organs (Number Tweak)
February 14, 2015, 06:20:10 PM
I don't like how fragile my colonists are. Externally, anyways. I have a hard time imagining fights going down when the first blow blasts off someone's arm and they just keep going like it's not that big a deal, and while the whole idea of stitching my guys back together after big fights is awesome, I'm seeing an inverse of what would really happen: i'm seeing organs relatively untouched and limbs that shatter like glass. Anything but an anti-material rifle and maybe some insane minigun or charge rifle hits shouldn't be able to sever a limb with such ease. Meanwhile, organs are squishy and delicate and not meant to be hurt.

I like the mods out there that add to the surgery thing, but that runs into compatability issues I'd rather not screw around with. I don't want to pick and choose beyond the mods I have, so does anyone know what numbers I need to change in what files to make limbs tougher and the torso less likely to eat a bullet instead of the organs? It's such an immersion killer.
I'm interested in this pack, but at the same time I'm reading through some of its content and I can't shake this feeling that 'nano' is constantly being used as its own substance. Just going through the changelogs and picking out the items themselves I run into logical errors:

"- Cyber Weapons:"

'Cyber' refers to something computer-based or digital in nature. I feel like weapons with computers in them at the era this game takes place in is a bit low-end, considering they can make anti-matter reactors and inject themselves with little trinkets to feed information into their brains.

"- Nano Weapons:"

The use of 'nano' here is very vague. What are the nanomachines doing? Are they the projectiles? That's very inefficient. Are they doing something here? Or is this just a fancy name to put on a higher tier piece of equipment?

" - Nanotech and Cybernetic Advanced Machinegun Turrets"

So are the guns made out of nanomachines? What even is a cyber-turret? How come the nanomachines themselves aren't being used as weapons? Think of the chaos you can weave on a microscopic level.

"- Implants:
      - Cybernetic Jaw
      - Cybernetic Nose
      - Melee Implant
      - Skill at Arms Implant"

I don't feel like these make sense. Unless there's a nice description in which case I'd be delighted to see it.



"- nanofusion"

I hope you got really technical with this.

"- Cyberskeleton"

A digital skeleton? Doesn't sound particularly robust. Or, y'know, physical.

"- Nanoskin"

Skin made out of nanomachines?

"- Advanced Visual and audio implants"

I feel like these could have some degree of effect, but it depends. What do they do? Are they processing visual/auditory information for you ahead of time before being streamed to your subconscious? Does this somehow make your eyes/ears stronger? Are these augments to eyes/ears or the brain? If you're processing the information for them ahead of time, why mess with inferior humans at all and not just make a machine that runs off this technology? Y'know, with superhuman reflexes/power/force? Something?

"- Cybernetic helmet"

I really want a description of what "cybernetic" is in this context.

Basically I just want some explanations of what this stuff is supposed to be. It's a bit of an immersion-killer and I can't help but nitpick.
General Discussion / Re: The Best Tree Type for Wood
February 13, 2015, 05:31:49 PM
So based on what I'm seeing in these tables, Cecropia trees are the least efficient as far as wood output, but also the fastest. So en mass they could match up to other trees and would be much faster in doing so.

So if you're going to make gigantic tree farms you want to go Cecropia, but only when you've got a very large amount of them.

...I think? I'm trying to visualize this information. If you actually need wood, faster is better, but theres a point when you really don't need it anymore, thus making those longer times all the more inefficient.

I'm not sure what the absolute most efficient way to farm trees would be.