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Messages - comfix

Help / IntRot error [Haplo Moddingtutorial]
April 19, 2015, 03:38:59 PM
Hi there,
I've got a Problem with this IntRot-variable.
I used the code sample that is provided in the Moddingtutorial of Haplo
Also I've changed in the DarkMatterGenerator file the "powerComp.powerOutput" to "powerComp.powerOutputInt", but this is not related to this file.

Here is my code:

Hope anyone can help me.
Yeah thats right. But i dont know how to fix this....
Hi there,
I tried to start coding in the new Alpha10c and used the code sample that is linked here.
There is an issue: the IntRot-variable throws an error "it is not in the context".
Also I'd changed the "powerComp.powerOutput" to "powerComp.powerOutputInt" so it fixed another error.

I hope you can help me with this issue.