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Messages - Jorlem

Just a disclaimer, I haven't played since v13, so if this was a change made there, my apologies for my lack of knowledge.

So, I was happily building up a low tech colony (I didn't plan to go any higher than the fuel generator to power my freezer), when I got an alert that there was a manhunter pack of boars incoming.  Ok, I thought, I'll just have my colonists huddle in the central commons building, and avoid going outside until the pack wanders off.  So I set up a allowed area for just that building, and drafted and undrafted everyone to reset them so they'd come inside.  And they all made it inside in plenty of time, and some of them sat down for a meal.

Then the boars arrived, shredded my closest door, charged inside and started killing my colonists, and I ragequit. 

Is this a new "feature", that we can't wait out manhunter packs anymore?  Or is this (as I hope) a bug in v15b?
Quote from: Lightzy on August 10, 2016, 07:48:15 AM
Also, infestations weren't around back in 2014 I think.
Neither was the Random button for your landing site.  You always picked where you wanted to land. 

One thing that I think might be useful in making mountains less ideal would be to have heavier penalties for darkness.  Inside a mountain base, it is dark all the time, unless you build a ton of lights.  I think tying some negative occurrences to that darkness would help in pushing people outside.  Colonists stubbing their toes, tripping, bruising themselves opening doors or going in or out of bed, that sort of thing.
Ideas / Re: Designate combat animals
August 10, 2016, 10:53:03 AM
Quote from: cultist on August 10, 2016, 10:04:45 AM
I'm guessing bonds are the core issue here? You assign masters to farm animals because you don't want to deal with the mood debuff, correct?
Sort of, but I'm not talking about farm animals.  My main annoyance is coming from my hauling animals, mainly dogs, following my people into combat and dying.
Ideas / Designate combat animals
August 10, 2016, 09:55:27 AM
Basically, I would like a way to tell the game "this is a combat animal, have it follow its master into battle", and "this is not a combat animal, do not send it into battle with its master."  It is really annoying having to remember to go through and toggle all of the animal's masters off every time there is a raid.  I'd just like a way to keep the game from sending my squishy animals into battle with me, so I will only take my rhinos and elephants and the like.
Quote from: cultist on May 31, 2016, 07:41:56 PM
Quote from: b0rsuk on May 31, 2016, 02:29:48 PM
Wait a second - so you can also harvest eyes from prisoners to replace cataracts ?

No. You can remove natural eyes, but you don't get anything. Liver, heart, kidney can be harvested in vanilla. And bionics, but not brain implants like painstopper.
You can steal lungs to cure asthma, though.
Quote from: Zombra on May 08, 2016, 11:55:27 PM
Quote from: Too-DAMN-Much on May 08, 2016, 10:36:10 PMhonestly, i say it depends on the colony, why would a group of cannibals care about slavery or killing? simple fact: they wouldn't, it's literally how they eat, daily, normal activities, i do get sick of the "psychic morality" this game imposes sometimes and there is still a LOT of room for improvement.

A colonist is assumed to be a normal, reasonably moral individual unless he has a Trait or Traits that dictate otherwise.  I don't see what's hard to understand about that.
That should mean that they'd be more or less fine with harming outsiders that attempt to harm them though.  It's a very simple and common "us vs. them" mentality, in a life or death survival situation like in the game.  Sadly, this is the normal, not empathizing with those bent on your in-group's destruction.  That empathy is something that would be worthy of a trait, I believe.

If the penalty for selling enemy prisoners is kept, I think that at the very least, it shouldn't stack, only that it should be renewed when the latest one is sold.  Once your characters have made the jump to selling prisoners, selling more shouldn't make them feel worse, unless a character has a relationship with a prisoner. (Family, for example.)
Ideas / Psychic upsides: recruitment and social
May 08, 2016, 11:02:19 PM
I think that characters with the psychic sensitivity and hypersensitivity traits should get a bonus when attempting to recruit characters.  Currently, these traits are essentially entirely negative (aside from the single positive psychic event).  Adding at least some benefit to the traits would make them desirable, instead of making players want to reroll starting characters that have them.  It would mean that they are useful to have, especially early game when you need to recruit prisoners quickly, as you can't afford to support someone that isn't helping.

Also, I think it would be a good idea, for similar reasons, for characters that are psychically sensitive to have a better chance of having mood boosting conversations and the like.  They can more easily read someone else's mood and thoughts, so they'd be better able to respond to them in a positive fashion.
You know, I think a ransom mechanic would be a good middle ground for this.  Instead of selling the prisoners to slavers, you sell them back to their home.  The price could be set to only be half of what you'd get for selling them as slaves, but you'd avoid the mood penalty.  You also wouldn't get the faction opinion boost you'd get if you just released them.
Quote from: levgre on May 03, 2016, 12:27:34 AM
Although it can make sense that passing ships aren't a route of rescue.  Those ships can't necessarily enter the atmosphere of a planet (like Star Destroyers in Star Wars), or it's simply too expensive a detour to be in their interest.
Minor point of order: Star Destroyers are built on the surface of planets, and are shown entering the atmosphere of planets multiple times in Rebels.
If you can get ten or eleven guys with longswords, they absolutely shred the bugs.  Not entirely sure how the stats line up, but most of my swords are plasteel.)  The new button for designating a target results in them all standing on the same tile, which results in insane attacks.  Anything less than a megaspider goes down before it can get an attack off, and the megaspiders go down in two or three hits.  The hives take maybe four or five seconds to destroy. (I got them to stack by targeting a hive, then let the bugs come to me.  It got rather silly.)
Ideas / Re: Bionic ears
May 03, 2016, 09:32:32 PM
Quote from: koisama on May 03, 2016, 07:39:35 AM
Quote from: Jorlem on May 02, 2016, 08:16:04 PM
We have real life implants today that can restore hearing to people who are deaf, but not in the game, even though the game features bionic body parts which would be even more advanced.  As such, I'd like to request the addition of bionic ears.
EPOE does that (and much more). Give it a try.

While that is nice, saying "there's a mod that does that" doesn't mean that it isn't a viable request to be added into the base game.
Quote from: cultist on May 02, 2016, 11:14:41 AM
The problem is there's no way for the hunter's AI to determine a "safe" location to fire from. The AI can't know if a pawn's next task takes it through the hunter's line of fire (because the task is not assigned yet). Even worse, the player might force a pawn to do something that has the same result (walking in front of the hunter). Hunting pawns would have to constanly stop and check for potential dangers before shooting. They'd never get a shot off.

What if the new "flee from danger" could be made to recognize ranged threats in addition to melee?  Then, all that would need to be done is have the moving pawn flee when it gets close to a hunter's firing line, and try to path so it doesn't cross the line, or come too nearby.
Ideas / Bionic ears
May 02, 2016, 08:16:04 PM
We have real life implants today that can restore hearing to people who are deaf, but not in the game, even though the game features bionic body parts which would be even more advanced.  As such, I'd like to request the addition of bionic ears.
Ideas / Re: Deadfall traps and visitor animals
May 02, 2016, 03:43:08 AM
For whatever reason, traders and visitors like to hang out in my killboxes, and wander through my bypass doors into my zigzag trapped pathways.  I think it is because the killboxes are the closest they can get to my colony without being indoors, but I'm not sure.  (If they are there when a raid hits, I usually wait to turn on the turrets, to see if they'll fight for me.)
Quote from: Darkstar82 on May 01, 2016, 03:58:41 PM
And weird things like 12 staggered well spaced turrets all exploding in a long line because one at the far end was destroyed
For this, put a single stone wall between the turrets, so they are spaced like this:


This lets you pack the turrets in fairly closely, and if a turret explodes, there's a "shadow" from the wall that blocks the explosion from reaching the next turret in the line.  Be sure to either set the power cable back far enough that it is outside the blast radius, or put a solid line of walls behind the turrets to protect it.