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Messages - Sefiriot

Outdated / Re: [B18] cuproPanda's Mods (7 Dec 17)
December 07, 2017, 09:26:34 PM
Hey Cupro, starting a new game with Prepare Carefully and it threw these errors when I was selecting my starting gear. The error log before is for AJO_BookRack,, but the same errors also happen for AJO_Bookshelf and _AJO_Bookcase:

Prepare Carefully trying to calculate the cost of a ThingDef with null thingClass: AJO_BookRack
EdB.PrepareCarefully.CostCalculator:GetBaseThingCost(ThingDef, ThingDef)
EdB.PrepareCarefully.EquipmentDatabase:CreateEquipmentEntry(ThingDef, ThingDef, Gender, EquipmentType)
EdB.PrepareCarefully.EquipmentDatabase:CreateEquipmentEntry(ThingDef, ThingDef, EquipmentType)
EdB.PrepareCarefully.EquipmentDatabase:AddThingDef(ThingDef, EquipmentType)
EdB.PrepareCarefully.HarmonyPatches:DoWindowContentsPostfix(Rect, Page_ConfigureStartingPawns)
RimWorld.Page_ConfigureStartingPawns:DoWindowContents_Patch1(Object, Rect)
UnityEngine.GUI:CallWindowDelegate(WindowFunction, Int32, Int32, GUISkin, Int32, Single, Single, GUIStyle)

Hey, spun up a quick test map and embarked on a boreal forest map. As soon as the map loads, soil, rich soil and rough slate terrain starts disappearing to be replaced by sand. No weather conditions such as rain were active. Here's a link to a videograb of my screen at the time:

Active modlist in play, with 226 mods active:

Did another test spin, these errors are popping up in the output:
XML Verse.TerrainDef defines the same field twice: affordances.

Field contents: UndefinedUndefined.

Whole XML:

<TerrainDef><defName>Mud</defName><label>mud</label><texturePath>Terrain/Surfaces/Mud</texturePath><edgeType>FadeRough</edgeType><renderPrecedence>330</renderPrecedence><pathCost>12</pathCost><statBases><Beauty>-2</Beauty><Cleanliness>-2</Cleanliness></statBases><terrainFilthDef>FilthDirt</terrainFilthDef><fertility>0</fertility><takeFootprints>True</takeFootprints><acceptFilth>false</acceptFilth><avoidWander>true</avoidWander><driesTo>Soil</driesTo><modExtensions><li Class="TKKN_NPS.TerrainWeatherReactions"><alertOnLoad>False</alertOnLoad><tideTerrain /><floodTerrain /><wetTerrain>WaterShallow</wetTerrain><freezeTerrain>TKKN_MuddyIce</freezeTerrain><freezeAt /><wetAt>1</wetAt><isSalty>False</isSalty><holdFrost>True</holdFrost></li></modExtensions><affordances><li>Light</li><li>Undefined</li></affordances><affordances><li>Undefined</li><li>Undefined</li></affordances></TerrainDef>
Releases / Re: [A17] sd Mods - mostly stuff
November 27, 2017, 06:42:42 PM
asquirrel, the patch is meant for those using More Furniture as well. If you're not using More Furniture then yeah, don't run the patch with it. I think I patched B18's new linkable furniture in the base mods but to be sure-- if you're comfortable with code edits, go into the patch file and comment out anything from More Furniture.

So you should get a linkables section that looks like this:

  <!--<li>CCP_LEDMedLight</li> Medical light from cucumpear's LED Lights-->
  <!--<li>VitalsMonitor</li> vanilla vitals monitor-->
  <!--<li>EndTable</li> B18 vanilla end table-->
  <!--<li>Dresser</li> B18 vanilla dresser-->
Releases / Re: [A17] sd Mods - mostly stuff
November 26, 2017, 09:57:05 AM
Quote from: gearsofcandy on November 26, 2017, 09:24:06 AM
I would love to get a copy of the updated [sd]goodnight and [sd]medicaddons with patches for More Furniture and Rimkea. pretty please  ;D

Done. Let me know if something broke: I cleaned up my hacky patch code a bit (especially after realising I really should patch the new vanilla linkables directly in the mod itself too, and not just in the catch-all patch mod, d'oh!), but haven't rechecked in-game.

Dropbox folder with updated B18 versions of [sd] mods:
Releases / Re: [A17] sd Mods - mostly stuff
November 26, 2017, 03:57:06 AM
Some of us on Steam managed to update advanced powergeneration for B18 on our own, and one guy (sisco) uploaded his updated version to the Workshop as a stand-in while we wait on sulusdacor...

Here's my updated copy at

It's identical to the one sisco posted on Steam attached below. Just some minor XML edits, working so far without issues, but you never know.

I also updated my copy of [sd]goodnight and [sd]medicaddons with patches for More Furniture and Rimkea to B18 for personal use. If anyone wants them let me know.
Releases / Re: [A16/A17/B18] More Planning
November 25, 2017, 06:42:56 AM
Using Steam B18 version, getting this huge error:

[HugsLib][ERR] com.github.alandariva.moreplanning caused an exception during OnDefsLoaded: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at MorePlanning.PlanColorManager.ColorChanged (Int32 numColor) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at MorePlanning.PlanColorManager.Load (HugsLib.Settings.ModSettingsPack Settings) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at MorePlanning.MorePlanningMod.DefsLoaded () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at HugsLib.HugsLibController.OnDefsLoaded () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
HugsLib.Utils.ModLogger:ReportException(Exception, String, Boolean, String)

Edit: Loading just (Steam) HugsLib, this mod and ModSwitch produced no problems, which is odd. Looks like the issue might be on my end, sorry for the trouble.
Outdated / Re: [A16-A17] BaconBits' Mods ~ 06/28/17
November 20, 2017, 09:03:31 PM
That's great news! Thanks BaconBits!
Releases / Re: [A17] Support Beams - v1.2
November 20, 2017, 08:57:54 PM
Thanks for getting back to me so fast! No rush updating yeah, take your time. Hope all goes well for you.
Releases / Re: [A17] Support Beams - v1.2
November 20, 2017, 01:15:10 PM
Heya, will there be an update for B18? Or is this usable just by changing the target version number? Thanks!
Outdated / Re: [A16-A17] BaconBits' Mods ~ 06/28/17
November 20, 2017, 12:40:40 PM
Hey Bacon! Not sure if you're around right now, but will your mods get an update to B18? Thanks!
Outdated / Re: [A17] Vegetable Garden [7/3/17]
July 23, 2017, 01:53:05 PM
Quote from: stigma on July 11, 2017, 12:35:08 PM
Quote from: AngleWyrm on July 11, 2017, 10:49:41 AM
The way I heard it,
It's only cheating if it's good for you.
If it's bad for you then it's a challenge.

I guess it depends a lot on what climate you play.
In a jungle it's basically just outdoor hydroponics - so no big deal.
On an ice-sheet it's amazingly powerful in terms of saving power (and yea, probably removes a lot of the food difficulty there).

I think I will contact the author of that mod and see if maybe it could be a good idea to make skylights make less light - so they work more like a energy-free lamp and less like an energy-free sunlamp (or maybe something half-way between with an increased buildcost).


IIRC he can't do that due to some coding issues from the base game; seems to be all or nothing.
Outdated / Re: [A17][Mod Updater] ModSync Ninja
July 16, 2017, 02:07:01 PM
Quote from: MarvinKosh on July 16, 2017, 01:41:59 PM
Can't see the use of it, to be honest. I already have a site where people can go to get direct downloads. They don't need to visit the forums.

Well, if I did use your mod, and you updated on the forums: This is supposed to at least auto-alert me that you've updated the mod, and I should get the new version, without me having to remember to check your site for a new update every time I fire up the game. I have to admit that sounds very handy.
Outdated / Re: [A17] Rainbeau's Fertile Fields
July 08, 2017, 02:23:00 PM
Quote from: ertzuiop on July 08, 2017, 03:28:08 AM
Quote from: dburgdorf on July 07, 2017, 09:44:28 AM
Quote from: ertzuiop on July 07, 2017, 08:54:18 AMIs this error messages known?

First question: Are you trying to load a saved game after changing mods, or is this happening with a brand new game?

Second question: Do you have any other mods installed that might be looking for the "Vegetable Garden" items that "Fertile Fields" removed?

Both fertile fields and vegetable garden were included with new game and with no changes in list order, but a couple other mods were added into save (just ones that are save friendly)
Cant tell if there is another mod looking for it. Installed quite alot in advised order.
Attached mod list

You could try moving Fertile Fields to after both VG and the Seeds Please mods-- I see you have the Seeds Please Vegetable Garden version, and that strikes me as a potential source of the errors when loaded after Fertile Fields, since I imagine that whatever FF overwrote on VG, in turn gets overridden by Seeds Please. Try that and see if that solves the problem?
Outdated / Re: [A17] cuproPanda's Mods (03 Jul 17)
July 05, 2017, 01:43:18 PM
Caught some errors from the mods AJO and Pawns Play Together, seems one or the other might not play well with Hospitality, since it popped up when I had a trade caravan visit.

Exception in Verse.AI.ThinkNode_PrioritySorter TryIssueJobPackage: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at PawnsPlayTogether.JoyGiver_JoinIn.TryGiveJob (Verse.Pawn pawn) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Hospitality.JobGiver_Relax.TryGiveJob (Verse.Pawn pawn) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Verse.AI.ThinkNode_JobGiver.TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn pawn, JobIssueParams jobParams) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Verse.AI.ThinkNode_PrioritySorter.TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn pawn, JobIssueParams jobParams) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Verse.AI.ThinkNode_PrioritySorter:TryIssueJobPackage(Pawn, JobIssueParams)
Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority:TryIssueJobPackage(Pawn, JobIssueParams)
Hospitality.ThinkNode_FilterGuestRooms:TryIssueJobPackage(Pawn, JobIssueParams)
Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority:TryIssueJobPackage(Pawn, JobIssueParams)
RimWorld.ThinkNode_Duty:TryIssueJobPackage(Pawn, JobIssueParams)
Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority:TryIssueJobPackage(Pawn, JobIssueParams)
RimWorld.ThinkNode_Conditional:TryIssueJobPackage(Pawn, JobIssueParams)
Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority:TryIssueJobPackage(Pawn, JobIssueParams)
Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Tagger:TryIssueJobPackage(Pawn, JobIssueParams)
Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Subtree:TryIssueJobPackage(Pawn, JobIssueParams)
Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority:TryIssueJobPackage(Pawn, JobIssueParams)
RimWorld.ThinkNode_JoinVoluntarilyJoinableLord:TryIssueJobPackage(Pawn, JobIssueParams)
Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority:TryIssueJobPackage(Pawn, JobIssueParams)

Could not reserve Thing_AJO_SpectagoTea373467/ for Ali doing job Ingest A=Thing_AJO_SpectagoTea373467(curToil=0) for maxPawns 1 and stackCount -1. Existing reserver: Min doing job Ingest A=Thing_AJO_SpectagoTea373467(curToil=4)
Verse.AI.ReservationManager:LogCouldNotReserveError(Pawn, LocalTargetInfo, Int32, Int32, ReservationLayerDef)
Verse.AI.ReservationManager:Reserve(Pawn, LocalTargetInfo, Int32, Int32, ReservationLayerDef)
Verse.AI.ReservationUtility:Reserve(Pawn, LocalTargetInfo, Int32, Int32, ReservationLayerDef)
Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker:StartJob(Job, JobCondition, ThinkNode, Boolean, Boolean, ThinkTreeDef, Nullable`1)
Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker:EndCurrentJob_Patch1(Object, JobCondition, Boolean)
Quote from: kaptain_kavern on June 12, 2017, 07:44:45 AM
I can't do it right now, not on the right computer.

But (If Silage is still in VG and haven't be renamed), it's "just" a matter of adding a tiny line.

Search for this piece of code, in the end of the xml file


and add this line (in red) :


I will check back later to see if you managed

Actually, that was the first thing I tried, without success. It's why I pinged you here asking for help. After asking around in the Discord, spdskatr helped me solve the problem with an xpath patch as below. I'm not sure exactly why that one line change you suggested won't work any more, but at least now it seems to be working without any obvious issues.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<Operation Class="PatchOperationAdd">
