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Messages - Sadiew1990

I'm hoping someone can help me with this.

I loved a lot of these mods with the 18 release, but I'm having troubles getting it (and I don't use steam for rimworld).

If I click directly on the mod name it pulls up a page saying "Warning! This device cannot access the internet right now." Nothing is wrong with my internet, but I think it's because my parents blocked all p2p sharing programs. I'm not sure.

If I click on the github link it tells me that "This site cannot provide a secure connection."

Is there another way to get these mods? I'm desperate for them lol
Releases / Re: [B19] Set Up Camp - once again
October 03, 2018, 05:56:43 AM
When I try to go to the github link it says that "This site cannot provide a secure connection." And I can't get through. Is there any way around this? I don't play on steam (paranoid about switching over).