Personal Space

Started by hyperpeople, May 06, 2015, 10:32:41 AM

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I would like to see a zone for personal Space, where only one colonist is allowed to take things from or use things in it. Other colonists are allowed to haul things into it, though. Just like a stockpile with unallowed things can be stacked with the same thing, too.

That would be an easy solution for so many things. Imagine to have whole ateliers for certain colonists with bedroom and benches and joy activities. You not longer have problems with braindamaged people wandering around for hours to collect their meal, and you can specialise colonists on some works like art etc. Then you could have a kitchen and haulers, who bring the artists and crafters their meals and material, and for joy activities and social contact they would meet in a playroom with booze and billiard.

This would definitly make the game a lot more attractive, because it is more like real life where every person has thier own room and workplace.
Also the many bedrooms would get a completly new meaning, in the way the whole base is designed and they look more diffrent from each other.

What do you think about it?

Quote from: NoImageAvailable on March 25, 2015, 02:15:46 PM
Its really weird to hear of a colony that isn't run like Auschwitz and selling human leather for a living.


You can engineer this yourself in the current game.

1) Make a multi-room area away from main area (bedroom, joy room, work room and mini fridge).
2) Assign your artist a single priority to create art
3) Have haulers keep the attached storage area(s) stocked (critical storage)


Quote from: Ketzal on May 06, 2015, 11:53:21 AM
You can engineer this yourself in the current game.

1) Make a multi-room area away from main area (bedroom, joy room, work room and mini fridge).
2) Assign your artist a single priority to create art
3) Have haulers keep the attached storage area(s) stocked (critical storage)

I know and did this already, very good for brain damaged pawns. But There are still pawns coming in and eating, or crafting at the table, wich causes disturbed sleep when he is still in bed, or when an other pawn is stealing his workplace.

It would just be so much better when the whole room is for a single pawn and not just a bed.

You can already asign a whole room for prisoners, and a bed for a single pwan, why not combining both?
Quote from: NoImageAvailable on March 25, 2015, 02:15:46 PM
Its really weird to hear of a colony that isn't run like Auschwitz and selling human leather for a living.