Farming bug

Started by ballandroll, September 11, 2015, 03:56:47 PM

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Hi, I don't know excatly when and how it's started but when i'm growing haygrass, the crops dies the next day when i just sowed them. The temperature is good and they are next to sun lamp. It's seems not affecting other plants like strawberry and corns. And i don't know if it's supposse to be that way but my tamed rhino hunger drop awfuly fast, like they eat and the day later they miscarrie of starvation.


Is there a crashed ship nearby? I left one to solve later once and then failed to realize that was why all my crops were dying!


or your rino is eating the immature haygrass out of the need to eat anything before starving.


Yeah epic fail :( forget about the poison ship hidden far in the map. but for the rhino is still a problem. They eating full growned haygrass in a 200 pile stock and still.


Doesn't poison ship also impact animals? If its killing your crops, it could also be influencing those rhinos... worth a check.

I also felt very silly after I realized the poison ship at the opposite corner was finally impacting my crops that had been dying at 11% for a whole season. I was thinking some mod must have bugged up, but once I killed that ship all was well again. It would be nice if there was a clearer visual cue of the poison ships influence expanding.
