Goodbye Colony

Started by Psychosis, May 06, 2016, 07:26:06 PM

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It was a hard winter, Food ran short, and the colonists started going mad, fighting each other in the hall ways. It was time to resort to desperate measures, Kill the prisoners, and eat them!. . . Colli hauled the Corp's to the butchering table and closed his eyes as he did the very worst thing you could do to a fellow human. It was done. . . . But without time to consider the act for a moment, the rest of the hungry survivors grabbed the raw flesh and devoured it around the dining table, they were so hungry they could not wait.. . This act spiraled them into madness. . their friends looking tastier by the hour, There was a smash, and a hive of angry space insects broke through the store room wall, This cant be real, the hunger must be making us hallucinate, Doc grabbed the Minigun and let rip into the corridor towards the creatures, taring his friends apart in the process. The security turret strummed with life, but it was not enough for the onslaught of the insect hoard. Limbs spattered the floor, and after the fight was over 9 became 4, Aura, Tigress, Mishi and Datu remained, they spent the best part of the week clearing the blood stained rooms whilst gnawing on the left overs of there falling allies. Datu Wandered, dazed for a day, this is the end he though and grabbed his plasteel knife before setting off into the make shift hospital and stabbing Tigress to death as she slept. He moved along and loomed over Aurua, and slashed him up so badly that he loses his leg, Mishi tries to restrain Datu, but in the fight, Datu loses and falls at Mishi's feet, dead to the ground. In the distance Mishi hears the crash of Alien space debri , and heads out to find the wreckage heaving with aggressive Mechaniod hostiles, he wanders towards them, falls to his knees and looks to the stars as a hail of mini gun rounds pierce his body, and everything goes dark as his face slumps to the sand. . life is fading. . . Meanwhile Aroura lies incapacitated in his hospital bed, slowly bleeding out and yells with blood gurgling cries! but In Rimword, no one can here him scream . . .


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