cheap game providers

Started by Baconbakinpancakes, August 02, 2016, 09:13:03 PM

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cheap games, not to spam seriously. get doom for like 3 four dollars off a steam key

Link removed by moderator.


Anything that sells discounted Steam keys is actually piracy and will not be permitted here.

Read the paragraph after the YouTube video:

If I'm wrong, I'm open to correction.


sorry actually there's a thing on that shady site you bring some traffic to the website and any purchase the person you brought over makes you get a lil of, not all of them are steam, some origion but all the game providers there have consented.. i don't think its piracy but i guess its a point on perspective, just wanted to raise a few bucks, buy battlefield 4 from that shady site and donate to charity. honestly i've already bought some random key batches, got the games and everything its not fraud but still sorta feels bad knowing im sort of part of the problem, many sorrys

Edit by mod: removed references to that shady site


that shady site was the one I saw constantly being called out on /r/rimworld for selling scammed Rimworld keys. I find it very difficult to believe they're at all interested in getting legitimate copies of ANY game if they were willing to sell illegal Rimworld keys.

Edit by mod: removed references to that shady site


It is definitely NOT selling RimWorld legitimately.

You can ONLY get a legitimate copy of RimWorld from or from Steam.  That's it.  The EULA specifically prohibits selling your license to someone else.  On top of that, shady sites selling Steam keys far below Steam prices is obviously piracy on its own.


I agree with Milon alterations

These websites are providing pirated software, I know that because even my office 2016 licenses that were linked to my account were suspended and looking further into that, Myself and the Microsoft dude found a "Shady Site" sold my key to multiple persons. Since I had the receipt and everything, it got solved.

Please, we have a say "When the charity is too big, even the Saint distrusts" so when you see an Overwatch key for $10, buying it will be considered Piracy. The same thing for Rimworld.


Quote from: Flying Rockbass on August 04, 2016, 10:45:09 AM
These websites are providing pirated software, I know that because even my office 2016 licenses that were linked to my account were suspended and looking further into that, Myself and the Microsoft dude found a "Shady Site" sold my key to multiple persons. Since I had the receipt and everything, it got solved.

You had a receipt from a shady site, so MS activated your Office product.  But MS didn't get paid for it.  Shady site did.  MS was being kind to you.

Similarly, if it's discovered that someone bought a RimWorld key from a non-authentic source, Tynan/Valve has to either approve the key (Tynan & Valve lose a sale) or revoke it (and the customer loses their money because they WON'T get a refund from the shady site).  It's a lose-lose scenario.  :(


Sorry, didn't make myself clear. I bought this software from Microsoft and had the receipt from Microsoft. But that key got banned for "bad use". Since I had the receipt and the other keys I bought from microsoft were ok (I bought 7 keys for my company) that helped me.


Oh, gotcha now.  I thought it was odd that MS would be so generous.  This makes MUCH more sense!


Think we all know what Shady site you're talking about, they're incredibly prevalent and well known unfortunately. Really sucks that it's moved onto RimWorld as well, 'spose those missing keys had to have gone somewhere.  ::)
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