Helmets that decrease sight?

Started by Grizzlyadamz, January 19, 2015, 12:16:24 PM

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I have these plate helms I'd like to have do this. Is there a stat I can offset?


You can add a stat offset on aiming delay or shooting accuracy.
But as long as there is no fog of war for now, I don't see any other way to change sight.


I'm thinking eye efficiency, same way a bionic eye increases it.

But are those the stats? AimingDelay & ShootingAccuracy?


you can see all the stats you can use as stat offsets in Defs/StatDefs/Stats_Pawns_???

I tried my best to make glasses good while back that would enhance the 'sight' like bionic eyes do but didn't find any way to make them work =P


Because apparel impact "working" abilities (like cooking, mining, aiming, ...), not directly the body physical abilities.
