Stockpile for clothing - question

Started by SuppleZombieKitten, January 12, 2015, 08:19:58 PM

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Has anyone figured out how to make a stockpile that will only store best quality of clothes? Something like no cloth stuff allowed or devilstrand only.


i dont think so.

you could make 2 stockpiles, one with a higher priority outside your home zone.
let the high one fill up, delete the stockpile under the better clothes.
they will be moved to the low one.

throw fire on the high one containing mostly bad clothes.
delete the high one entirely so they pawns wont try to fill it back up while its burning out.
It may be working as intended, but
what was intended is not working.


It would be nice if you could stockpile based on type (cloth vs devil for ex) of material involved.  Things are going to get more complicated based on the daily progress notes since gear items are going to have random quality and degredation.

You can manually juggle things toggling priority on stockpiles and micro managing haulers but that's a bit extreme.  I just gave up and have my people pile everything around my trade beacon and I have them grab what they need from it and sell off the stuff I don't want.


Before someone starts a mod about it due to no tutorial....
Steel is food. Steel is defense. Steel is weapon.
Steel is RimWorld.


@pathing I'm pretty sure that the resources category only affects which kind of raw cloth is stored there, not the materials of finished apparel.


Yeah, apparel is it's own category, lower down in the screen shot.


I've usually had my own open roof storage for clothing with it's own trade beacon
you can sell the clothes in the material categories so it's easy to keep only the best ones available
Ofcourse selling clothing in this alpha has became much more difficult cause almost none of the traders buy them anymore =P


my method is a bit (a lot) micromanagey, but I set a stockpile for pants with a higher priority and individually mark the pants i want for haul by asking colonists to haul them. If someone hauls something I don't want into the stockpile, I delete the stockpile for that square, have someone haul it back, add that square back to the stockpile and mark the one I want there to be hauled.
Hi, my name is Matthias and I am a Rimworld Addict. It has been five seconds since my last fix...


This is still relevant, I think. Simplest way to separate unneeded cloth apparel, and anything else that offends the sight, without modding, is to setup a storage room and have an incinerator ready to destroy at 50% for example. Then "select" items for destruction by poking holes in the roof with "no roof" tool above the items. Soon enough they will be gone.


Quote from: Fogsight on July 03, 2015, 08:07:36 PM
This is still relevant, I think. Simplest way to separate unneeded cloth apparel, and anything else that offends the sight, without modding, is to setup a storage room and have an incinerator ready to destroy at 50% for example. Then "select" items for destruction by poking holes in the roof with "no roof" tool above the items. Soon enough they will be gone.

Nice idea but there are some problems with that method, first of all if you want something incinerated an it is at 100%, it will take around 50 days for it to get processed and obviously this means you have to focus on that for months, plus if you forget a hole in the wall, new clothing might get damaged by it.


Yea, I was playing a rainy biome degradation went pretty fast. As for the other thing it shouldn't be a problem to keep stockpile static as long as it is further from the main one that receives new, better clothes and has the same priority.


Maybe like storing corpses, the "allow colonist" and "allow stranger" options but for the materials used. then do this for weapons too