Prison Architect 75% off Steam midweek madness sale

Started by Chibiabos, August 30, 2016, 05:05:05 PM

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A lot of people compared Rimworld to Prison Architect I guess for similar graphical styles.  I found Rimworld before PA, have held off because money's tight, but ... well ... its on a 75% off sale on Steam midweek madness sale right now for as low as $7.42


You can even pick up several extra titles bundled in for ten bucks total at the "Prison Architect Introversioner."  Good deal!
Proud supporter of Rimworld since α7 (October 2014)!


Had it pirated it a couple days ago and actually rather enjoyed it. This sale came at the right time hah. Thanks for the heads up.



Oooh I can recommend
the prison escape mode was pretty neat lil fun aswell (although kinda barebones when I last tried it)