Some advice on getting started on a Cargo Pod parachute mod?

Started by Sandusson, August 29, 2017, 12:14:12 PM

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I wanna get into modding RimWorld as a hobby, I have decent experience in C# and I'm understood with using XML (defs) to reference the source-code. I've followed the PlagueGun tutorial and had a look on a couple more tutorials.

I want some pointers for making a cargo pod parachute mod. Like, being able to make a parachute with a lot of cloth, ship the cargo pod with the parachute inside, and when it lands, the pod isn't destroyed. I'm already thinking about just spawning a minified cargo pod when the first one lands, but I want there to be some repairs needed before it can work again. Either some deterioration, or some maintenance, like in Fluffy's Breakdowns:

Just, any advice for setting it up, other mods I could look at, wouldn't mind snippets either. =)


I would use ILSpy to check out the classes handling transport pods.
Most likely the DropPodIncoming class and the Impact method.
Or the TravelingTransportPods class. Dunno for sure.

Also you might find some inspiration in this mod:;topicseen