Item rarity

Started by Clayton, August 28, 2014, 10:14:14 AM

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What dictates item rarity? Will a higher base value lower the chances of a pawn spawning with it? Ie: weapons, apparel


Quote from: Clayton on August 28, 2014, 10:14:14 AM
What dictates item rarity? Will a higher base value lower the chances of a pawn spawning with it? Ie: weapons, apparel

the smaller the rarer
though I admit it doesn't always feel that way
you need to get to numbers like 0.01-0.03 to actually begin to notice it yourself

Edit: (I don't have any mathematical facts about this though) =P
Only have my field testing with my mod to back this up


"Ooh, lookit that huge diamond!"
"No, lookit this ultra-rare tiny bacteria!"
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