Any way to lock visitors out?

Started by jasta85, September 04, 2014, 08:11:46 AM

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So, occasionally people from other tribes/settlements will wander through your area.  usually i don't care, they can even be helpful by attacking enemies if I'm getting attacked by bandits.

But what is really annoying is how they'll walk right into my buildings and start eating my food, and they always pick the good stuff, either my fine meals or my survival rations that I have been saving up (since they don't expire).

Is there a way to lock the doors or something so that people not from my settlement can't get in.  One tribe was doing it so frequently I just attacked them so they would stop coming.


Not without a mod. There is a mod called Colonists Only Doors; that would work for you.

Also, Mai mods and Superior Crafting also have lockable doors, but those mods are more intrusive to the vanilla version. I personally play Superior Crafting.
Hi, my name is Matthias and I am a Rimworld Addict. It has been five seconds since my last fix...


I was annoyed by this for a while, too, but then I thought about what would happen in real life if you had friendly visitors come to your home for a period of time.  You'd pretty much be expected to provide meals for them.  Indeed, you might be expected to provide a place for them to sleep, too (which fortunately the game doesn't require).  And if you told your friends they weren't getting served any food during their visit ... well, they'd probably not be your friends any longer (e.g., the attack to make them enemies).  So now I've accepted this behavior as the price of keeping nearby tribes or towns friendly (and whose visitors just might help out in the case of an attack).

Also, if I hide the food far enough inside my buildings, they don't seem to find it as often.   :)


Just keep in mind that your visitors may have a mental break if they start starving on the map.

It's a sweet irony to tick off a faction for capturing their people, when they're the ones who attacked you in the first place.

Edit: Subject/verb agreement.