Spam Bots

Started by milon, February 03, 2015, 11:24:01 AM

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Quote from: loc978 on February 03, 2015, 11:43:43 AM

Very apropos with the timing of this thread. I think we need some bot prevention. This is going to turn into a living hell for the moderators otherwise.
Where are those symbols from? Mandarin/Chinese? It's for sure not Japanese or (south) Korean. Damn you China and your spam bots!

There was a wave in the Cata: DDA forums too not too long ago and the mods/admins made a question system for registration... As far as I have heard they went a BIT over the top thanks to questions about ingame content and changes, many of them which you can only know if you have lurked the forums for a while already (at least 1-2 months). And to be honest: Even some of the veterans in the forums tried the questions for fun and wouldn't get them right 50% of the time (especially if you have to TYPE in the correct answers and you have to type them EXACTLY as wanted.)


Quote from: Tynan on February 03, 2015, 01:27:03 PM
Quote from: TheNewTeddy on February 03, 2015, 01:19:17 PM
On forums I've been at previously, during heavy attacks, they made some posters "Prefects"

Likely not at this level here, but

In effect these posters became moderators with only one moderator ability. The ability to move an entire thread to another forum. No other powers.

A forum was created that was visible only to the real moderators and admins, and, all spam was re-directed there.

That's a great idea; I'll have to consider that one.
If you end up doing that, I'd be willing to help with that. Already spend a large amount of time on the forums and reporting the spambots.
Moderator on come join us! We don't bite