Count to !UPDATED! 20,000 before Tynan posts!

Started by GamerGuy, March 28, 2015, 04:55:22 PM

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Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.



Quote from: Listen1 on September 13, 2017, 07:27:06 AM
Don't fight people, spread the love between your piers!

Now what? There are 7088 possibilities.


Um... okay. Does it have to be those specific piers? Also, what kind of lovin' are we talking here?

Should I feel bad that nearly half my posts are in the off topic section?


Well, there are actually 7090 things we could do. I don't feel like saying any of them.


Quote from: Listen1 on September 12, 2017, 07:02:52 AM
Bossa nova is waaaay better for sure, I know it's bad to generalize such a huge country as Brazil, specially since where I'm from it looks nothing like we said above. It's easier to compare my region to Hamburg than to Rio de Janeiro.

It's no Novo Hamburgo, but I see what you mean :P
youtube video about Listen1's hometown:Summer in the Valley: The charms and beauties of Timbó
My Português isn't that good. All I understood is "it is a backwoods town full of simple hicks" which I found offensive, since you are a close personal friend of mine. My home city has been called a "cow town" by at least 7,091 different publications, including the New York Times. So I feel your pain.
Cool Mod, Bro Everything in RimWorld doesn't have to be either brown or grey anymore: Now you can Pick a Color!


I'm Belgian, nice to meet you.
Where are you from ?
I will never do worse than what I do now.
It's what self-improvement means.


Quote from: mabor0shi on September 14, 2017, 12:56:31 AM
Quote from: Listen1 on September 12, 2017, 07:02:52 AM
Bossa nova is waaaay better for sure, I know it's bad to generalize such a huge country as Brazil, specially since where I'm from it looks nothing like we said above. It's easier to compare my region to Hamburg than to Rio de Janeiro.
It's no Novo Hamburgo, but I see what you mean :P
youtube video about Listen1's hometown:Summer in the Valley: The charms and beauties of Timbó
My Português isn't that good. All I understood is "it is a backwoods town full of simple hicks" which I found offensive, since you are a close personal friend of mine. My home city has been called a "cow town" by at least 7,091 different publications, including the New York Times. So I feel your pain.

Hey, someone got interested by my city. In the context they are laying, it's not offensive the tone they used, but thanks for the concern.

When I mentioned my Region, I meant the 6 to 7 cities around Timbó that are well know worldwide by their culture. The most famous are Blumenau and Pomerode. Both from german heritage.

Photos for Blumenau:

Photos of Pomerode

These cities are also know for their cultural festivities,

Oktoberfest in Blumenau:
Osterbaum in Pomerode:

This region where I live (Vale do Itajaí) was rated many times as one of the best places do live in Brazil. Not only you have way better quality of life compared to the rest of Brazil, you have many natural wonders around you. Not the mention some of the most beutiful Brazilian Beaches are only 2 hours away.

I love where I live if didn't notice XD

Also, 7093

Quote from: catter on September 13, 2017, 06:27:46 PM
Quote from: Listen1 on September 13, 2017, 07:27:06 AM
Don't fight people, spread the love between your piers!
Now what? There are 7088 possibilities.

Danm you catter, don't make me laugh as I work. I almost spilled my coffe. 10/10 would laugh again.


Quote from: Listen1 on September 14, 2017, 08:04:21 AM
I love where I live if didn't notice XD
I'm comin to visit you. Meet me at the bridge. Here's a picture of me in the traditional American outfit I'll be wearing:

and I assume you will look like the other 7,094 Brazilians nearby:
Dress in something that stands out more instead. Try wearing pants, if you own any. {I just joking}
Cool Mod, Bro Everything in RimWorld doesn't have to be either brown or grey anymore: Now you can Pick a Color!


meh, I will not come, cats aren't able to travel quickly or far...

I can't go more than 7095 feet from where I live without going crazy from trying to adapt to a new place.


What happens when we actually get to 9000, which is a likely probability?

Also 7096


Well we could just turn arround ... 7095

Just kidding 7097, let's crank up the speed and find out!


Ok, Maboroshi and Catter we've decided to meet here and recreate Blinks 182 - Whats my age again clip in german trousers.

Don't worry, I studied with the Chief police of the city, he'll probably join us.



"German trousers" lol
We call those things LEDERHOSEN!


- Rainbeau Flambe (aka Darryl Burgdorf) -
Old. Short. Grumpy. Bearded. "Yeah, I'm a dorf."

Buy me a Dr Pepper?