
Started by bcpond, November 29, 2013, 07:44:03 PM

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Adding any kind of political system would really upgrade this game! About the time the colony is given a name someone is chosen mayor.  People in the colony should have different opinions of how the colony should be run based on their quirks and heritage. They should also act differently based on whether or not they support the current policies.


I have a policy for you - if you don't like the way things are being run, you can leave!1

1All colonist departures take place via slave trading vessel. No colonists shall be permitted to depart the site on foot. Relocation to permanent subterranean lodgings2 are also an option.
2Permanent subterranean lodgings are approximately 1.8m below ground level.

More seriously, no. It is not one of the colonists in charge of things, it's the player. One of the most aggravatingly frustrating things about Dwarf Fortress is the politics, because the dwarves aren't responsible for any of the decisions. So having some useless twit of a noble get pissed off at the mayor because she issued a mandate that her precious talcum dildos not be exported, and even more ripshit pissed off at the stonecrafter whom she blames for not having fulfilled her mandate to construct talcum dildos (when in fact, it was me who decided I had more important things to use my talcum making, such as styluses for use on chalkboards,) and has three of my good peasants I mean, haulers, and my best stonecrafter locked up and Hammered resulting in three crippled haulers and a stonecrafter who's never going to craft anything more than drool ever again...

That just pisses me off. It's also why I make sure that any noble who arrives very quickly pulls a Stupid Dwarf Trick or otherwise becomes incapable of issuing mandates. Useless and actively sabotaging my fort? I don't call that nobility, I call it treason.

As relates to RimWorld? No.

We don't need politics. We don't need a popularity contest deciding who is in charge - because quite frankly, they're not in charge. The player is, and if the player wants to, they can have that person who is "in charge" arrested and sold to slave traders if they want to. Or they can draft them, sit them on the corner of the map and wall them in to starve to death. Or draft them, have them hold very still, and have five colonists fling grenades at their feet. Or draft them and stand them atop two blasting charges, then light the fuse.

Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

So let's not have that.
Raiders must die!


Very similar to this concept: http://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=1293.0

It's a different approach to take such things as policies out of player's hands. Something like automatic system for adding "community challenges" into the game. Not sure if I like it all the way through, but it is definitely an interesting topic to explore. If presented as on/off option? I'm all for it.


I can see your point about the player being the leader. On the other hand colonies participating in the slave trade and displaying corpses in cages should develop into something completely different than a humble farming community would.  A tower of void god cultists should play differently than a mining town. A Trading out post with Illuminati connections should look drastically different from a medieval lord's fort.

Something as simple as adding bonuses and/or penalties via "social policies" along with special research options only available under certain criteria as well as your colonists developing new traits over time as you have them do things would be very interesting to me.


Quote from: ShadowDragon8685 on November 29, 2013, 11:59:55 PM
I have a policy for you - if you don't like the way things are being run, you can leave!1

1All colonist departures take place via slave trading vessel. No colonists shall be permitted to depart the site on foot. Relocation to permanent subterranean lodgings2 are also an option.
2Permanent subterranean lodgings are approximately 1.8m below ground level.

More seriously, no. It is not one of the colonists in charge of things, it's the player. One of the most aggravatingly frustrating things about Dwarf Fortress is the politics, because the dwarves aren't responsible for any of the decisions. So having some useless twit of a noble get pissed off at the mayor because she issued a mandate that her precious talcum dildos not be exported, and even more ripshit pissed off at the stonecrafter whom she blames for not having fulfilled her mandate to construct talcum dildos (when in fact, it was me who decided I had more important things to use my talcum making, such as styluses for use on chalkboards,) and has three of my good peasants I mean, haulers, and my best stonecrafter locked up and Hammered resulting in three crippled haulers and a stonecrafter who's never going to craft anything more than drool ever again...

That just pisses me off. It's also why I make sure that any noble who arrives very quickly pulls a Stupid Dwarf Trick or otherwise becomes incapable of issuing mandates. Useless and actively sabotaging my fort? I don't call that nobility, I call it treason.

As relates to RimWorld? No.

We don't need politics. We don't need a popularity contest deciding who is in charge - because quite frankly, they're not in charge. The player is, and if the player wants to, they can have that person who is "in charge" arrested and sold to slave traders if they want to. Or they can draft them, sit them on the corner of the map and wall them in to starve to death. Or draft them, have them hold very still, and have five colonists fling grenades at their feet. Or draft them and stand them atop two blasting charges, then light the fuse.

Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

So let's not have that.

I tend to think of the player as the ship's AI core that crashed along with the colonists.

"The Computer is your friend. The Computer wants you to be happy. Happiness is mandatory. Failure to be happy is treason. Treason is punishable by summary execution."

As for Dorf Fort, well, you're Armok. Armok despises useless nobles.


Quote from: nnescio on November 30, 2013, 05:15:23 AMI tend to think of the player as the ship's AI core that crashed along with the colonists.

"The Computer is your friend. The Computer wants you to be happy. Happiness is mandatory. Failure to be happy is treason. Treason is punishable by summary execution."

As for Dorf Fort, well, you're Armok. Armok despises useless nobles.

I prefer summary reeducation. :)

And in DF, I wish I was Armok. Then I could have my dorves build an altar, and sacrifice the useless knobs to me upon it.

I did once build a really bitchin' temple, complete with veneration magma forges upon which the best metalcrafters in the fort labored to craft works of deadly beauty and practical protection.
Raiders must die!


Being able to do special things depending on the kind of colony you have is exactly what I want ShadowDragon8685.  If you build a cult you should be able to do special cult stuff that other colonies can't do like ritual sacrifice .