Several Tech/Game Questions

Started by JamesFoster, December 01, 2013, 07:14:55 PM

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Hola. o/

I just started playing Rim World, and it's probably one of the most entertaining games on my computer, lmao. However, I do have quite a few questions about it.

1. Slave trading ships seem to never come anymore, but industrial and farming ships always come. Combat supply ships come occasionally. Are some trade ships rarer than others, or is it randomly picked?

2. Travelers seem to be very rare now. During the beginning of the game, I would constantly get travelers. However, travelers seem to not be coming any more. I haven't seen a traveler in about 40 in game days.

3. During raider attacks, I prefer to capture the raiders instead of killing them. However, even when I melee the raiders, they never get incapacitated. Instead, they just get beaten to death. How do you get them just to the point of being incapacitated instead of killing them?

4. When the game is released on Steam, how do you receive your key?

5. How do you update the game when an update is released?

Thanks for your help. :)


Quote from: JamesFoster on December 01, 2013, 07:14:55 PM
Hola. o/

I just started playing Rim World, and it's probably one of the most entertaining games on my computer, lmao. However, I do have quite a few questions about it.

1. Slave trading ships seem to never come anymore, but industrial and farming ships always come. Combat supply ships come occasionally. Are some trade ships rarer than others, or is it randomly picked?

2. Travelers seem to be very rare now. During the beginning of the game, I would constantly get travelers. However, travelers seem to not be coming any more. I haven't seen a traveler in about 40 in game days.

3. During raider attacks, I prefer to capture the raiders instead of killing them. However, even when I melee the raiders, they never get incapacitated. Instead, they just get beaten to death. How do you get them just to the point of being incapacitated instead of killing them?

4. When the game is released on Steam, how do you receive your key?

5. How do you update the game when an update is released?

Thanks for your help. :)

1~3: The AI storyteller tries to keep your colony at an "optimum" number of colonists. The frequency rate of events that can potentially grant you new colonists (slave ships, travelers, crash pods, raider incapacitation) decreases the more colonists you have, and is practically zero when you reach a "critical" number of colonists (which is slightly higher than the optimum number). The frequency does increase when you lose colonists, however, to allow you to make up for your losses.

The "optimum" and "critical" numbers are different for each AI storyteller (and IIRC, are listed in the wiki). Randy Random is an exception to the above rules, however. He will always grant you the opportunity to gain new colonists from time to time (which is how some players managed to get 50+ colonists.)

4. Tynan has mentioned that he will "send them out" when the game is released on Steam. Presumably it is going to be done via e-mail.

5. With Steam, the update is going to be automatic. Currently we update the game when a new version comes up by downloading the new version from sendowl (and the number of downloads refreshes with each new update) and replacing the older game with the new one. This may change in the future for non-Steam users.


Thank you. :)

I'm assuming by "sendowl" you mean an automated email with a download link?

Also, for raider incapacitation, can you shoot them to incapacitate them or do you have to melee them?


Yes you will receive the key through (most likely the same) email.

I know tynan already processed some of the stuff required for a steam release and maybe all.
Most likely he is waiting for a more robust build of rimworld so there is actually more to show/sell at steam.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
Edmund Burke


Quote from: JamesFoster on December 01, 2013, 08:01:12 PM
Thank you. :)

I'm assuming by "sendowl" you mean an automated email with a download link?

Also, for raider incapacitation, can you shoot them to incapacitate them or do you have to melee them?

You can do either, but shooting has a higher incap chance (starting from version .0.0.250C). Explosives will also very rarely incapacitate.

It's not usually worth it to melee, except against fleeing raiders or in the early stages of the game when you can mob one raider with multiple colonists (especially against snipers, who tend to spawn in smaller waves).

Melee IS very good for catching fleeing raiders though, but not because of the incap chance. Melee doesn't seem to have a start-up time ('though it does have a cool-down), and ties down fleeing raiders, forcing them to melee back instead of running away, allowing the rest of your colonists to join in the brawl. This is quite good if the raider in question happens to have a weapon you want (sniper rifle, R-4 charge rifle), and works better if some of your colonists have the "runner" trait (+30% move speed).

Meleeing raiders from a doorway is also useful for trapping raiders in the line of fire of other colonists/turrets. The door protects your colonist from friendly fire.