[W|0.11.834] Released prisoner forgets to leave. Edit: Can't be rescued.

Started by Axelios, June 17, 2015, 08:04:13 PM

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Hi all,

I had a prisoner released, and he had a berserk episode before reaching the edge of the map. Now he wants to walk all the way back inside my base to eat some corn, rather than walk 5 steps to freedom.

Can provide saves and screenshot of him beginning to walk back.

EDIT: He went berserk again, and then collapsed. Now that he's "Downed" I should be able to capture or rescue him, but I can do neither.
THAT looks like a bug!  ;D

EDIT2: And now he's "wandering".
I'm an Electrical and Electronic Engineering student in university in New Zealand.

I like games, but unfortunately they don't help me get a degree.. so I'm going to be inactive for awhile.
- 22 July 2015


Moderator on discord.gg/rimworld come join us! We don't bite


I don't actually know how the output log works. Do you need to turn it on or is it automatic?
I can share the save later, no problem. I remember I saved it with a separate name.
I'm an Electrical and Electronic Engineering student in university in New Zealand.

I like games, but unfortunately they don't help me get a degree.. so I'm going to be inactive for awhile.
- 22 July 2015


the output.log is automatic and stored in the RimWorld834Win_Data folder next to your rimworld exe


ok I have the logs and saves.

Prisoner hungry and coming back for food, post berserk state:
Saves and log in attached "hungryleavingprisoner.zip"

Prisoner downed but cannot be rescued or captured, but can be stripped or arrested:
Saves and log in attached "downedleavingprisoner.zip"

Sometime later, just wandering around outside. Should be leaving the map:
Save and log attached in next reply (size limits)

Sorry that the logs aren't very good - made after loading the save. I see that not very much is in them. I will see if I can reproduce this using dev tools, in a fresh world, with a complete log.

[attachment deleted due to age]
I'm an Electrical and Electronic Engineering student in university in New Zealand.

I like games, but unfortunately they don't help me get a degree.. so I'm going to be inactive for awhile.
- 22 July 2015


Third save package attached, for the wandering prisoner who should be leaving the map.

[attachment deleted due to age]
I'm an Electrical and Electronic Engineering student in university in New Zealand.

I like games, but unfortunately they don't help me get a degree.. so I'm going to be inactive for awhile.
- 22 July 2015


Right, I've reproduced this using dev tools to trigger things.

Steps to reproduce:
1) Spawn a prisoner
2) Release the prisoner
3) Before the leave the map, trigger a mental break (dazed or berserk work).
4) Once they recover, they forget to leave the map and just kind of hang around being useless.

Example Save file attached with log (no errors. a bunch of reports from other things I was doing, and some things from the previous saves I used, but nothing interesting).

Screenshot showing the recovered prisoner, set to release, hanging around outside wandering:

In the attached save, there are a lot of cleared patches - had to do this with dev tools after testing to get the filesize down below 600KB, it's unrelated to the bug.

[attachment deleted due to age]
I'm an Electrical and Electronic Engineering student in university in New Zealand.

I like games, but unfortunately they don't help me get a degree.. so I'm going to be inactive for awhile.
- 22 July 2015



Glad to help! :D
I'd like to be a tester person for future alphas too.
I'm an Electrical and Electronic Engineering student in university in New Zealand.

I like games, but unfortunately they don't help me get a degree.. so I'm going to be inactive for awhile.
- 22 July 2015


Moderator on discord.gg/rimworld come join us! We don't bite


Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog